Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Only a loving heart is close to the Father!
- Message No. 665 -

My child. My dear child. The love in your hearts is what makes your life worth living, therefore live this love that lives in your hearts through My Son (!) and do not hide it, because only a loving heart is close to the Father, but a hypothermic heart is exposed to many dangers and it suffers, because displeasure and fear, sadness and anger, doubt and the resulting restraint brings you oppression and suffering, but love brings joy and happiness, reconciliation and cheerfulness!
So live the Divine Love that dwells in you through Jesus, and let your light shine, which the Father has placed in your heart from the beginning, so you will live like true children of the Lord already on earth, and Jesus will be with you, in joy and guide you.
So live His love, which you all carry within you, and let peace enter in and around you, because where there is a loving heart, there is no strife! There is no envy, no anger and no hate, but warmth, joy, light and closeness to God!
Live the love that keeps you all alive and always keep joy and peace in your hearts! Know that when displeasure enters you, the adversary seeks to attack you through his demons!
Remain in love, because it is what the Father wants you to live, and it is the giver of life, peace and joy. So be it.
In deep and sincere love. Always I want to be with you, but you must turn to me so that I can. Amen.
Your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥