Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Prayers taught by Our Lady, Queen and Messenger of Peace to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacarei SP, Brazil
Table of Contents
The Holy Rosary Meditated
The Origin of the Holy Rosary

It was the year 1206. In that year the great Albigensian heresy was taking place, where many Christians had already left the true Catholic faith and separated from the true path. The Languedoc region, the southern part of France, was the region most afflicted by this evil. A crusade was called to stop the evil, and the clash between Catholics and heretics was not long in coming. And the land of the noble French nation became the stage for countless bloody battles in which Catholics and Albigensians fought it out inch by inch. However, in spite of so much bloodshed, heresy continued until the child Jesus took, from his mother's hands, a small chain with various pieces of silverware, and gave it into the hands of Saint Dominic. In a great interior inspiration, St. Dominic understands how the Virgin Mary wants the Rosary to be prayed. How to move heaven to defeat it? How to obtain from God a definitive victory? There were times when all seemed lost. But Saint Dominic, moved by a divine inspiration, entered a large and deep forest near Toulouse, and spent three days and two nights there, imploring God to have mercy on His own Glory trampled underfoot by the Albigensian heresy itself.
The Albigensian Heresy
As a result of such great ardor and effort, he ended up half-dead. Behold, then, Mary Most Holy, resplendent with glory appears to him. The Blessed Virgin, who was accompanied by three princesses of heaven, and in her arms a small boy, said to him: "Do you know, My dear Dominic, which weapon the Blessed Trinity used to reform and save the world? O Lady, he answered, "You know it better than I do, because after your son Jesus Christ, you were the main instrument of our salvation. She continued, "The main instrument of this work was the Angelic greeting, the Hail Mary which is the foundation of the New Testament. So if you want to win these hardened souls to God, pray My Holy Rosary."
Our Lady then opens Her Immense Maternal heart and makes these promises to him for those who pray her Rosary devoutly every day:
1 Whoever serves Me constantly by praying the Rosary, will receive a special grace.
2 To those who pray the Rosary devoutly I promise My most special protection and grace.
3 It will be a most powerful weapon against hell, it will destroy vices and sins, and it will destroy heresies.
4 The Rosary will make virtues and good works flourish, it will attract to souls copious blessings from God and it will replace the love for earthly and worldly things with the love of God.
5 The soul that by means of the Rosary has recourse to Me shall not perish.
6 Everyone who devoutly prays the Rosary contemplating the mysteries, will not be oppressed by misfortunes, will not be punished by the justices of God and will not die a sudden death, but will be converted if he is a sinner, will be preserved in grace if he is righteous and will make himself worthy of eternal life.
7 The true devotees of My Rosary will not die without first receiving the sacraments.
8 Those who pray My rosary will have the light and fullness of grace in life and in death, they will be admitted to participate in the merits of the saints.
9 The devotees of My Rosary who go to purgatory, I will release them on the same day.
10 They will have great Glory in heaven.
11 Everything that is asked for by the Rosary will be granted.
12 Those who spread My rosary will be supported by Me in all their needs.
13 I will obtain from My Son that all devotees of the Rosary have as brethren the entire heavenly court in life and in death.
14 All who recite My Rosary are My children and brothers of Jesus Christ, My Only Begotten.
15 The devotion of My Rosary is a great sign of salvation.
The Saint rose up much consoled and ablaze with zeal for the good of these people, entered the city, the Cathedral. At the same moment the bells rang by the hands of the Angels alone to gather the inhabitants. At the beginning of the preaching an astonishing storm fell.
The Albigensian Crusade by Jose D.C. Peña
The earth trembled, the sun became cloudy, and redoubled lightning and thunder made all the listeners shudder and pale. Their horror increased when they saw the image of the Blessed Virgin, exposed on a high place, raising her arms three times to heaven, to ask God for vengeance on them if they did not convert and resort to the protection of the Holy Mother of God. Heaven wanted by these miracles to stimulate the new devotion to the Holy Rosary, and to make it better known. The storm finally ceased, due to the prayers of St. Dominic. He continued his sermon and explained with such fervor and enthusiasm the excellence of the Holy Rosary that almost all the inhabitants adopted it and renounced their errors. In a short time, more than one hundred thousand heretics were converted back to the true Catholic faith. For this reason, Our Lady urges us to pray the Holy Rosary with love. It is the devotion brought from heaven by the hands of Jesus and Mary, so that with its simple cord it binds Satan so that his wickedness no longer has power on earth.
The Rosary given by Our Lady to Saint Dominic, is divided into Three Parts:
- The Joyful Mysteries - In these we contemplate from the Annunciation of the birth of Our Lord Jesus to when He meets with the teachers of the law in the Temple in Jerusalem.
- The Sorrowful Mysteries - In these we contemplate the Passion and death of Our Lord Jesus.
- The Glorious Mysteries - And finally we contemplate His Glorious Resurrection and ascension into Heaven.
In Her Apparitions at Jacareí, Our Lady constantly insists that we pray the Holy Rosary every day. The Holy Rosary is Our Lady's favorite prayer. Especially the meditated Rosary recorded in the Sanctuary of the Apparitions because in it, before each mystery, we contemplate a Message from Our Lady given in Her Apparitions around the world where She teaches us the love that pleases God and how we must live to be in union with the Sacred Hearts.
This is how the Blessed Virgin asks us to pray every day: The Meditated Rosary of the Shrine of the Apparitions of Jacareí.
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary