Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers for the End Times from various, mostly private Revelations or of unknown Origin
Prayer of St. Gertrude to free 1000 Holy Souls from Purgatory

The Lord told St. Gertrude that the following prayer, every time it is said, will deliver a thousand souls from Purgatory. This prayer has been expanded to include living sinners and to alleviate debts incurred while still alive. Pray it every day.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Prayer of reparation to the Suffering Mother Heart of Mary

Most pure Mother Heart of Mary, so filled with the most tender love for all men whose sins have so grieved Thee and made the sufferings of Jesus necessary. I ask Your forgiveness for the guilt that all human souls have brought upon themselves against You.
Mother, forgive us; for at Jesus' birth our hearts were too filled with the world to have room for Him.
Mother, forgive us; for we have followed the will-o'-the-wisps of the devil more often than the star of the Messiah.
Mother, forgive us; for we have denied Jesus through our sins.
Mother, forgive us; for our sins have crucified Your Divine Son.
Mother, forgive us; for by the murder of God the Savior we have also torn Your heart.
Mother, forgive us; for we have never understood Your sorrows.
Mother, forgive us; for we have not recognized You as our Coredemptrix.

Mother, forgive us; for Your most pure heart was burdened and pierced by our impurities.
Mother, forgive us; for the dryness of our heart has cost You an ocean of tears.
Mother, forgive us; for we are unworthy of the balm of Your Most Holy Motherhood.
Mother, forgive us; for because of our unkindness and indifference, You are under the cross again every day.
Mother, forgive us; for no sacrifice in the world can make up for the pain You have endured for us.
Mother, forgive me, the most miserable of Your children; for I am a sinner, unworthy of You.
O Coredemptrix, whose sacrifice, exalted above all praise, together with that of Christ the Redeemer, was offered to the Father for the opening of heaven to souls, accept the sacrifice of thanksgiving and contrition which I offer to Thee in the name of all the redeemed who have not understood how many tears they have cost Thy loving Mother Heart.
Source: ➥
Act of consecration to the Guardian Angel

O holy Guardian Angel! From the beginning of my life you were chosen to be my Protector and Companion. Here, in the presence of my Lord and my God, my heavenly Mother Mary and all the angels and saints, I, a poor sinner, (N.) wish to consecrate myself to you. I want to take your hand and never let it go. I promise to be always faithful and obedient to God and to our holy Mother the Church. I promise to be always faithful to Our Lady, and to take her as the model of my life. I promise to be devoted also to you, my holy Protector, and to propagate devotion to the angels as best I can, devotion to those who are given to us in these times as protection and help in the spiritual war for the victory of the Kingdom of God. I pray to you, O holy Angel, to grant me the strength of divine love so that it may enkindle in me a steadfast faith so that I may fall into sin no more. I ask that your hand may defend me from the enemy. I implore you to grant me the grace of Mary's humility, so that I may avoid all dangers and, through your gui dance, may reach the door of the House of our Heavenly Father. Amen.
Source: Book "Pray, Pray, Pray" ➥
See also, Prayer No. 42: Prayer to our Holy Guardian Angel
Grace Before and After Meals
Message received by John Leary at July 25, 2021

My people, you know I can multiply your food when it is needed. I only ask that you believe I can do this for you, and it will happen. You remember when I provided the manna for the Israelites, and how they had to go out each day and collect what was needed for that day. So when I will multiply your food at your refuges, I will only multiply what you need for one day. Each day you will have to believe that I can do this for you. You will only have enough food for one day at a time. You need to say your prayers before your meal, and you need to pray prayers of thanksgiving after your meal. Learn these prayers so your meals can be complete.
Before: Bless us, O Lord! and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
After: We give Thee thanks for all of Thy benefits, O almighty God, who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Before and After Meal Prayers to remove Contamination
Powerful Prayer of Protection against Pandemics
Taught by Rev. Father Dario Betancourt

God Father Almighty, in the name of Your son Jesus, by His Sacred Passion, by His real and merciful presence in the Holy Eucharist, by the sorrowful and immaculate heart of Mary, send us Your Holy Spirit so that by His Holy and powerful anointing He may grant us health of soul and body, protect us from all present and future threats, allow us to walk under the mantle of our loving mother Mary, Your beloved daughter full of grace, together with St. Joseph and all the saints, whose merits You have recognized, protected by St. Michael the archangel and his heavenly militias.
Who is like God, no one like God.
Prayer to defeat Satan
November 8th, 2020
Taught by Our Lady to Edson Glauber
With the Divine Will of God, may all evil be destroyed and Satan humiliated and defeated.
Source: ➥
Prayer of Holy Confession

In this time of crisis, the Heavenly Father now desires that we receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance from HIM personally and confess our sins before HIM, because there is now no possibility to confess to a worthy priest who, according to the desire of the Heavenly Father, only celebrates the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V.
O Loving Jesus, Meek Lamb of God!
I, a miserable sinner, salute and worship the most Sacred Wound of Thy Shoulder on which Thou didst bear Thy heavy Cross, which so tore Thy Flesh and laid bare Thy Bones as to inflict on Thee an anguish greater than any other wound of Thy Most Blessed Body.
I adore Thee, O Jesus most sorrowful; I praise and glorify Thee and give Thee thanks for this most sacred and painful Wound, beseeching Thee by that exceeding pain and by the crushing burden of Thy heavy Cross, to be merciful to me, a sinner, to forgive me all my mortal and venial sins and to lead me on towards Heaven along the Way of Thy Cross. Amen.
Through this prayer, spoken in true love, Jesus promises to all:
- I will give everyone the absolution for all sins, even mortal sins, if you can no longer confess properly
- That they will not be surprised by death!
- And that the MOTHER OF GOD will appear to them to pray with them before the soul is separated from the body.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
October 7, 2020
Taught by Jesus to Edson Glauber

Saint Michael the Archangel, Most Noble Prince of the Heavenly Armies, by divine order, power and will, fight those who fight us, and defend us with your sword, cutting down every evil and destroying every malicious act done against the work of Our Lady and her apparitions throughout the world, as well as against us and our families. By the power of God, crush the proud head of Satan, of all the demons of hell and of his evil agents who are acting out of a desire to destroy and persecute the Church of Christ, Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb. Drive away all those who are not fit to be at our side, who affect us in our mind, body and soul with their evil actions and negative lives without God; unmask every lie, all falsehood and hypocrisy, freeing us from false friendships, from those people who are establishing ties with and deceptions against us, who take advantage of and scoff at our benevolence. We trust in the power of your intercession before the Throne of God, in the certainty that the Lord will deliver us from all these evils and dangers of the soul and the body.
Mighty Queen of the Most Holy Rosary and Queen of Angels, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle so that we might not perish in the Supreme Judgment. Amen.
Source: ➥
Surrender the day to God
October 4, 2020

Children, your life on earth is governed by time - hours, days and seasons. It is important to Me how you spend your time. That is what you will be judged on. Therefore, surrender the day to Me by giving to Me your day when you arise - your work, your leisure and your prayer time. Do this by resolving to accept My Divine Will throughout the day. Nothing happens to you outside of My Will. In your acceptance is My Will for you.
This is not just a gesture that you begin your day with. Over and over throughout your day you have to recommit to this surrender. In this way, reminding yourself of this surrender, you keep the promise of your surrender alive in your heart. Be certain to renew your surrender before you enter into prayer. This encircles your prayers as they rise up to Me - your Creator. I know your intentions are good, but as the day wears on you may forget to renew this promise. When you arise, charge your angel to take your surrender to My Paternal Heart.
During these times, every prayer is important. Make your whole day a prayer from beginning to end. Then I will protect even your weakest efforts. Simply say: "Papa God, I surrender this day to you".
Source: ➥
The Triumph of the Holy Cross
September 14, 2020
Prayer taught by St. Michael the Archangel to Edson Glauber, Manaus-AM, Brazil

Peace to your heart, son of the Lord!
Pray this prayer that I teach you now at the command of the Lord and His Immaculate Mother:
Lord, in Your Divine Will banish false friendships, who, full of jealousy and envy, use their vicious tongues to disseminate evil, spreading satan's poison against us and our families. Deliver us from his snares, from his deceptions, and that the mouths of all our slanderers be silenced, for you are the God of our salvation and we prostrate ourselves before your Holy and Divine Presence, we recognize you and declare you as the only Lord of our lives.
May your Sacred Heart be our safe asylum and may your glorious and powerful Holy Cross be always between us and these people who desire our ruin and fall, being our shield of defense that destroys all satanic actions, all slanders and all accursed words, coming from each of them.
May your Holy Wounds, glorious Wounds, grant us liberation and victory over all evil. Amen!
Source: ➥
Prayer to St Michael the Archangel
September 2, 2020

Lo and Behold! I am Michael the Archangel, and I am the Celestial Protector of the Powerful Prayer Warriors who have been called in these End Times to rise up against the tyranny of the evil one and his minions and to stand on Earth in place of the Father in Heaven in these End Times to defeat the evil one and his minions and assist in sending them to the bowels of hell.
So be it! Thanks be to God!
As your protector, I ask you to stand with me and call out to me as your protector with the Prayer to St Michael the Archangel:
“St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”
Repeat this Powerful Prayer solemnly as you meditate and call for the Sword’s Shield of Protection.
You will know that you are successful in your prayers when you feel the Archangel’s Sword pierce through your body, mind, spirit, and soul. You will feel the power of the Holy Spirit protecting and guiding you as you rise up and defend Your Father in Heaven; Your Redeemer, Jesus Christ; Your Heavenly Mother; and all the Angels and Saints who are here now in these End Times to assure that the evil one and his minions are defeated finally and sent to the fires of hell.
Source: ➥
The Cry of the Remnant Prayer
August 8, 2020

Your Word Yahushua is like fire! Your Word alone is truth! Your trumpet has sounded and I have prepared! Please allow Your Holy Spirit fire to burn away anything left in me that is unclean or not in alignment with Your holy will for me. You alone are the God of truth, righteousness and justice. I have chosen to serve you with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength. Hide me under the shelter of Your wing because You are my Rock, and my saving strength. You answer when I call You and You strengthen me. You uphold me with the right hand of Your righteousness and I will not be shaken or moved. No weapon formed against me will prosper. You have given me Your power over all the enemy. You are my Cornerstone and I will not take my eyes off You. You have the key to the house of David and what You have opened, no one can shut, and what You have shut, no one can open.
Your way is perfect and You have fastened Me as a nail in a sure place. I will be a glorious throne to You. I am Your ambassador of light and You will make me a king, a priest on the earth. I will uphold Your law and Your Word will forever be on my lips. You are my light and my salvation and I will not fear. You are my stronghold in the day of trouble and I will be strong and courageous because You always go with me, wherever I go.
You have trained my hands for the spiritual battle and my fingers to war. It is not by power or might but by Your Spirit that the enemy will know his defeat. I will do great and mighty exploits in Your name. I am Your chosen instrument and all that have ears to hear will be sanctified by Your truth manifested in and through me.
I am blowing the trumpet and sounding the alarm this day! The day of the Lord is upon us! My bow is renewed by Your hand and I am Your weapon of war for battle. Because of Your presence in me I will shatter nations and bring kingdoms to ruin. A fire will go before me and a flame will burn behind me for Your camp is great! I will destroy the enemy before me with Your command. Then all will know that You are the Lord, my Savior and Redeemer, the Holy One of Jacob. You will roar as a Warrior and prevail over Your enemies. The Lion of Judah, the Lord of Hosts is Your name!
I declare all You instruct me to declare and Your Word does not return to You void. You will cause my gates to stay open and the riches of nations will come to me. I will receive my rightful inheritance. I will never be persecuted or oppressed again! Out of me will flow rivers of Your living water. I will turn hearts to You and righteousness and praise will spring forth before the nations.
You are coming! You are coming! Prepare the way of the Lord! Come precious Meshiach Yahushua!
Amen and amen
Source: ➥
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 2011, Luz de Maria

I ………… give myself, Mother, to Your protection and to Your guidance; I do not want to walk alone in the midst of the storm of this world.
I present myself before You, Mother of Divine love, with empty hands, but with my heart filled with love and hope in Your intercession.
I ask You to teach me to love the Most Holy Trinity with Your same Love, so as not to be indifferent to Its calls or indifferent to mankind.
Take my mind, my thoughts, my consciousness and unconsciousness, my heart, my desires, my expectations, and unify my being in the Trinitarian Will, as You did, so that Your Son’s Word does not fall on arid land.
Mother, united with the Church, Mystical Body of Christ: bleeding and despised in this instant of darkness, I raise my pleading voice to You so that the discord between men and the nations be annihilated by Your Maternal Love.
Allow, Mother of Goodness, that this: my consecration be taken in the hands of the Angels to every heart so that it might be is infinitely repeated in each human being.
Source: ➥
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 2009, Luz de Maria

Sacred Heart of my beloved Jesus,
Spring of infinite mercy,
Receive on this day the complete surrender of my being.
Take my life, I offer it to You
Let your Sacred Heart be a fountain of blessings,
Not only for me, but also for all of humanity,
Which at this moment united with me, I give to Your protection.
I give You my heart, so that it only loves You,
I give You my sight so that I see Your Love everywhere,
I give You my ears so that they hear Your heartbeat,
I give You my thinking so that protected by You, it be a constant hymn of adoration,
I give You my hands and my feet so in your likeness they may be blessing for my brothers and sisters.
Sacred Heart of my beloved Jesus,
I accept You today as my refuge from anguish and tribulation at all times,
I accept You as protector and custodian of my life, Above all in moments of temptation.
Sacred Heart of my beloved Jesus, From today on I give myself wholly to You.
I plead with You to help me in this life, So that nothing and no one separates me from You.
Fountain of infinite mercy, take possession of my being; I, in exchange, promise to love You, and I resolve to never offend You.
Receive, I beg You, this my consecration to You,
And keep me, as of this moment, as Your own possession.
Source: ➥
Seven Hail Marys for a Holy Life
Nov. 13, 2005, Myriam van Nazareth

It is recommended to say the following prayer daily after having consecrated oneself totally to Mary.
Dear Mother Mary,
Because, as the Mediatrix of all Graces, You have been granted all power over God’s sanctifying gifts, I implore You:
On account of the merits of Your word of consent to the angel when he asked whether You were willing to become the Mother of the Messiah, do obtain for me the grace of living in total consecration to You to serve God’s Plan of Salvation for the souls. Hail Mary...
On account of the merits of Your eternal virginity, do obtain for me the grace of a perfect chastity. Hail Mary...
On account of the merits of Your perfect Love, do obtain for me the grace of being able to give unconditional, pure Love to God and to my fellow creatures, in self-sacrifice and willingness to serve. Hail Mary...
On account of the merits of Your eternal sinlessness, do obtain for me the grace of a great resistance against all temptation and of protection against all sin, aberration and deception. Hail Mary...
On account of Your merits as the Mother of Sorrows, do obtain for me the grace of a great ability to bear all trials and crosses of life in true acceptance, love and dedication. Hail Mary...
On account of the merits of Your unshakable faith in God’s omnipotence, do obtain for me the grace of an imperturbable faith in the infallibility of Divine Providence in everything that crosses the path of my life. Hail Mary...
On account of the merits of Your life in the spirit of the angels, do obtain for me the grace of being able to break the many worldly influences on my soul, body, feelings, thoughts and wishes, and to enter the spheres of Divine Life. Hail Mary...
Mary, mighty Mistress of souls, I trust in You.
Source: ➥
God the Father’s Healing Prayer
A new prayer from God the Father to help His children in this time of battle
December, 2019

To pray this healing pray over another person, both individuals must join hands to form a circle. If this Healing Prayer is being prayed over the phone, ask the Guardian Angel of the person you are praying for to hold hands with you, and ask your Guardian Angel to hold hands with the person you are praying for in order to form the circle. Then you will be tied to them by their angel and your angel as if you were face to face holding each other’s hands.
St. Anne, please take (insert name) as your spiritual child beside Mary within your womb. Let (insert name) heart beat with your heart and Mary’s heart. Let (insert name) blood flow with your blood and Mary’s blood. Let (insert name) breath breathe with your breath and Mary’s breath. Let (insert name) be fed with the same milk that Mary was fed. Let your healing power and Mary’s healing power flow through (insert name) from the top of her/his head to the bottom of her/his feet.
Now, Mary when you became the Mother of Jesus and He was in your womb, please take (insert name) into your womb and let your blood and Jesus’ blood flow with (insert name) blood. Let your heart and Jesus’ heart beat with (insert name) heart. Let your three hearts become one just like the Holy Trinity is one with three persons. Let your breath and Jesus’ breath breathe with (insert name) breath to bring her/him healing and peace.
Now (insert name), take St. Anne and Mary as your spiritual mothers and protectors and take Jesus as your God. Take St. Joachim and St. Joseph as your spiritual fathers from Heaven to heal, protect and love you the way God the Father heals, protects and loves all of His children.
(Insert name), all you have to do to earn this healing is to go to Confession and give your free will to God. Then God, who is all loving, just and merciful, will give you healing.
I, God the Father am giving this Healing Prayer because I love all My children. This Healing Prayer is needed because of the evil times you are now living in. I am an all loving God but also a just God because you cannot be all loving without being all just. Love, God the Father of Heaven and Earth. Amen.
Novena for Blessings for Our Families

The special blessing is for generations of graces and healings for your families. If you do not have much time to pray you should pray a 9-day novena by saying:
3 x Our Father ... for the Trinity 3 x Hail Mary ... for the Blessed Mother 3 x Glory be to the Father ... in honor of the Most Holy Trinity
If you have more time for prayer, you can:
pray a Rosary every day for 9 days
or pray every day for 9 days the Divine Mercy Chaplet
These prayers go through your grandfather and grandmother, your father and mother, for their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This blessing will break curses of the last four generations.
"Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As in the beginning, so now and always and for Eternity. Amen."
The Flame of Love Unity Prayer
Through this prayer, satan will be blind and souls will not be led into sin.
My Adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together.
May our hands gather in unity.
May our hearts beat in unison.
May our souls be in harmony.
May our thoughts be as one.
May our ears listen to the silence together.
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.
May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father. Amen.
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Source: ➥
The Prayer of Mystical Unity

The following prayer is the one prayed by Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to Our Lady after she meditated on the 24th hour of Christ’s Passion. The Flame of Love prayer, that Elizabeth writes about in her diary is essentially the same grace that God wants to give mankind as the “Gift of Living in the Divine Will” revealed to Luisa. Both are invoking a “new Pentecost” upon the Church and the world. These two prayers, especially, are to become the battle song of Our Lady’s Little Rabble. So, say these prayers as though you and your families are in the Upper Room awaiting a new Pentecost.
Enclose in my mind Jesus’ thoughts,
so that no other thought may enter into me;
enclose in my eyes Jesus’ eyes,
so that He may never escape my gaze;
enclose in my ears Jesus’ ears,
so that I may always listen to him
and do his Most Holy Will in all things;
enclose my face in Jesus’ face,
so that in looking at him so disfigured for love of me,
I may love him, unite myself to his Passion
and offer him reparation;
enclose my tongue in Jesus’ tongue,
so that I may speak, pray and teach with Jesus’ tongue;
enclose my hands in Jesus’ hands,
so that each movement I make and each work I perform
may derive their [merit and] life from Jesus’ own works and acts.
Enclose my feet in Jesus’ feet, so that each one of my steps
may infuse in other souls strength and zeal
and dispose them for the life of salvation.
Source: ➥
Short Form Precious Blood Prayer
Most precious blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.
(Repeat 250-500 times each day. May be prayed on Rosary beads.)
Precious Blood of Redemption Exorcism

My children, when you sin, go immediately to one of My priests and confess your sin; do not let time pass so that you do not open doors to My adversary; all My sheep must remain in My grace, because the attacks on the spirit grow stronger every day. Do not lose your head because of the attacks, pray and expel it by the power of My blood, saying:
"Precious Blood of Redemption, fight the enemy of my soul in my body, mind and spirit." (three times)
I assure you, if you do it this way, the demon will run away from you. So remain prayerful and vigilant so that you do not fall into temptation and sin, for you know well that the salvation of your soul is at stake.
Precious Blood of Redemption Quick Prayer
Every time an attack comes on your spirit, you must repel it with the power of My blood and wounds; invoke their power with quick prayers, or call My Mother to give you her help and protection. When thoughts of impurity, adultery, fornication, anger, revenge, resentment, envy, resentment, rejection, doubt, suicide, spiritual dryness, cursing, or other bad thoughts come into your mind, say:
"Precious Blood of Redemption fight the enemy of my soul in my body, mind, and spirit. Lord Jesus, immerse me in Your wounds, I place this bad thought in the wound of Your left hand; by the power of Your blood and wounds, Lord Jesus, free me from all wrong thoughts and from all the burning arrows of evil."
Prayer to the Power of the Blood
Know also, My sheep, that you will be tempted and tested by My adversary, just as he did to Me in the desert. When the temptations come, call on My name and say:
"My Jesus, by the power of Your blood save me. My Jesus, in You I trust, do not let me be lost. My Jesus, hide me in Your wounds, strengthen my faith."
More Exorcisms by the Blood of Christ
In moments of strong temptation, invoke the power of My Blood by praying:
"Glorious Blood of My Jesus: save me, deliver me and protect me from falling in temptation!"
By the Glorious Blood, shed by Our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, spirit of temptation and wrong thinking, set me free and in peace. Out! Out! Out! from my mind and thoughts; I command you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who defeated you on the cross!
Mighty Blood of deliverance, healing and redemption, shed by Our Lord Jesus Christ, fight the enemy of my soul in my body, mind and soul; turn away from me all the incendiary arrows and wickedness of the evil one. Let me not fall into temptation, Precious Blood of My Savior, and deliver me from all evil. Amen.
Seal Prayer to the Precious Blood of Jesus

Lord Jesus Christ seal me with Your Precious Blood and through Your Precious Blood.
Deliver me from all evil, seal me against evil and protect me from all evil. With all my heart I repent of my sins. I ask You to banish from me all that is the cause of evil, also break the chains that still bind me and cleanse me inwardly and outwardly with Your Precious Blood.
Lord Jesus Christ seal with Your Precious Blood my spirit, my soul, my heart, my mind, my body, yes my whole being.
Seal with Your Precious Blood my family, each and every one of us. Protect us from the machinations of the evil enemy, from those of his helpers and abettors, and even from all those persons who can or want to harm us.
Seal with Your precious blood all our undertakings of today and all the people with whom we have to do or who will meet us today.
Seal with Your Precious Blood also my brothers and sisters and their families, our relatives and friends, our enemies and all those who are especially close to us, all those whom we think of, all those of whom we speak, also all those to whom we have promised our prayers, especially those who have strayed from the right path.
Seal with Your Precious Blood intimately our sick and suffering.
Seal with Your Precious Blood our house inside and out, every room and all things in it, also all our pets, as well as all our housemates and all who will enter or visit our house today, also our neighbors.
Seal with Your Precious Blood our confessors and priests, that they may be animated by Your Spirit - imparting to us the true spirit that makes us know the genuine values of life.
Seal with Your Precious Blood the religious and all others consecrated to You.
Seal with Your Precious Blood all our material and spiritual goods, as well as the surroundings of our homes.
Prayer for Holy Confession

For very difficult times, when priests are no longer or rarely to be found for a proper confession: therefore Jesus reveals to his prophetess this prayer, given 800 years ago to St. Bernard, who wandered all over Europe as a counselor to popes and kings, especially as a great saint and Doctor of the Church.
Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, sweet Lamb of God! I poor sinner adore You and venerate Your holy, deep wound in Your sacred shoulder, which was caused by carrying the heavy cross and exposed three shoulder bones in terrible pain.
O my God, I ask You for the merits of this great pain, forgive me all my sins, mortal and venial, I ask also for Your assistance in the hour of death. Open the door of heaven for me. Amen.
I will give absolution of all sins, even mortal sins, to anyone who says this prayer, if they have nowhere else to confess properly. I promise to all who say this prayer in true love that they will not be surprised by death and that the Mother of God will appear to them to pray with them before the soul is separated from the body.
The offering of the death agony of Christ
Eternal Father, I offer up to You the death-suffering of Christ, Your beloved Son, for the afflicted souls who are suddenly torn from this life by misfortune, murder or suicide, so that the Holy Spirit, who is life itself, may come to them and still give them the time and grace of repentance. Amen.
Source: ➥
Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that you are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things, and I long for you in my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though you have already come, I embrace you and unite myself entirely to you; never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.
The Miracle Prayer

Lord Jesus, I come before Thee just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Thy name I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, evil spirits and all their works. I give to Thee my entire self, Lord Jesus, I accept Thee as my Lord, God and Savior. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit. Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Thy precious blood and fill me with Thy Holy Spirit. I love Thee, Lord Jesus, I praise Thee, Lord Jesus, I thank Thee, Jesus. I shall follow Thee every day of my life. Amen
Mary, my Mother, Queen of Peace, all the Angels and Saints, please help me. Amen
Invocation to God and the Holy Cross of Christ
"Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins on the wood of the Holy Cross.
O Holy Cross of Christ, be with me.
O Holy Cross of Christ, be my trust.
O Holy Cross of Christ, be to me a true light of my soul and blessedness.
O Holy Cross of Christ, turn away from me all hostile weapons.
O Holy Cross of Christ, remove from me all evils.
O Holy Cross of Christ, pour into me all good, through You O Holy Cross I come on the way of my beatitude.
O Holy Cross of Christ, save me from all physical misery.
O crucified Jesus of Nazareth, have mercy on me, so that the evil enemy may depart from me, visibly and invisibly from now until eternity.
To the glory of the passion of Jesus,
to the glory of his precious blood,
to the glory of his disgraceful death,
to the glory of his holy incarnation and resurrection, by which he wanted to bring us to our beatitude.
As true as Jesus was born on Christmas Eve,
as true as Jesus was circumcised,
as true as the holy 3 kings brought gifts on the 13th day,
as true as Jesus was crucified on Good Friday,
as true as Joseph and Nicodemus took Jesus from the cross and laid him in the tomb,
as true as Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day and ascended to heaven,
just as fervently I hope that the Lord Jesus will preserve me against all my enemies, visible and invisible, from now until eternity.
O Heavenly Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. Jesus, Mary, Joseph; accompany me to eternal joy."
Prayer for self-protection against evil
The evil one and his minions will not succeed in their plans to attack and infest, and even possess you, if you perform the following prayer and command, repeatedly and often as I command, directing the following prayer against Satan, his evil minions, and all evil spirits and beings that are now attacking you all here on earth. Repeat the following prayer to protect yourselves:
"In the name of Jesus Christ!
I command you ...
I compel you ...
I expel you ...
From my mind and body,
my spirit and soul."
Call also My Mother and say: "O Mary, conceived without sin, terror of demons, come to my aid that I may take refuge in you"; when you are greatly attacked, it is enough to say: "Hail Most Pure Mary, come to my aid"; call also My beloved Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and all the Saints and I assure you that My adversary and his followers of evil, will flee from you.
Jesus of Divine Mercy Prayer
O Jesus of Divine Mercy, hear my petitions to You, for I am here to do Your will!
Prayer for forgiveness
Lord, we have sinned greatly against You.
Please have mercy on us and
Forgive us for our wrongdoing and
Forgive us for being so disobedient.
Very Strong Exorcism, dictated by Archangel Michael

Each prayer throws 50,000 (fifty thousand) demons into hell, so it is necessary to pray it as often as possible. Gift from God through St. Michael the Archangel on His feast day. Enormous liberations are achieved in our nation and in the world with it.
"O God, One and Triune, humbly I beseech You, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, through Saint Michael the Archangel, for the great grace to destroy the powers of darkness in the land...... (name country) and in the whole world, remembering the merits of the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Precious Blood that He shed for us, His Holy Wounds, His agony on the Cross and all the sufferings, during His Holy Passion and the whole earthly life, of our Lord and Savior.
We ask You, Lord Jesus Christ, to send Your Holy Angels to cast the forces of evil into hell, so that in the land...... (name country) and in the whole world the Kingdom of God may come and the grace of God may be poured out in all hearts. So fill the land...... (name country) and all the nations of the world with Your peace.
O our Lady and Queen, we implore You with all our hearts, send Your Holy Angels to overthrow the powers in hell and all the evil spirits that must fall.
Holy Archangel Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, You have been commissioned by the Lord to carry out this mission so that the grace of God may be with us always. Guide the Heavenly Hosts so that the powers of darkness will finally fall into hell.
Use all Your powers to defeat Lucifer and his fallen angels who rebelled against the will of God and now want to destroy the souls of men.
Be victorious, for You have the power and authority and intercession for us, the grace of God's peace and love, so that we can always follow our Lord into the kingship of heaven. Amen"
Prayers to St. Michael the Archangel
Holy Archangel Michael, defend us in battle. Against the malice and guile of the devil you are our protection. "GOD command him", we implore. But you, PRINCE of the Heavenly Hosts, overthrow Satan and the other evil spirits, who roam the world to the ruin of souls, in the power of God down into hell. Amen.
"Dear Holy Archangel Michael, help to bring about a complete change in our souls and be with us when evil threatens us. Then keep it away from us. You can strike your sword in all four directions of the sky, so that the evil one has no possibility to seduce us."
"Holy Archangel Michael,
protect us in battle,
protect us against the wickedness
and the reenactments of the evil enemy.
But you, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts,
want to destroy Satan and the other evil spirits,
who walk in the world to the ruin of souls,
with God's power, cast them down into hell. Amen."
Call to prayer of our dear Mother

My children. United in prayer you are strong! Therefore, I call you to remember Me daily at 12 o'clock, as well as to say a prayer to Me (Angelus = Angel of the Lord, Ave Maria, Salve Regina -but at least a Hail Mary should be said. Thank you, My children.) as well as to pray the Rosary of Mercy at 3 p.m. in the intentions of My Son. You can also add your private intentions.
At night I ask you to pray in addition: At midnight to Me, your Holy Mother, in My intentions and against the desecrations in your world and to Us, as well as at 3 o'clock the Rosary of Mercy in My Son's intentions, for peace in the hearts of all God's children as well as peace in your world, as well as for all that We ask and will ask of you again and again, and what you receive from Us and from the Holy Spirit of My Son placed in your heart.
My children. Before you go to bed, ask your guardian angel to pray with your soul. Thus, when you go to bed, begin to prepare yourselves for these times. If We do not wake you up at these times, your guardian angel will still pray with your soul while your body sleeps, and many of you will wake up in prayer in between, that is, at night or in the morning.
Prayer of Protection for the Days of the Purification of the Earth
Immaculate Heart of our Mother Mary, protect and guard us; do not allow panic to take hold of our lives; give us peace and serenity in these moments of adversity. We take refuge in you, beloved Mother, and we are sure that nothing will happen to us, because our sweet Mother keeps us covered with her Holy Mantle. Do not tire of interceding for your children so that these days of purification are bearable and everything is fulfilled according to the Divine Will. Jesus and Mary, save souls and take them to the heavenly glory.
Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God.
(Pray 3 x the Creed and 3 x the Magnificat.)
Request for intercession to Our Lady

Ask for My Holy Intercession as your Lady of the Peña (Rock). Say thus:
"O sweetest Virgin Mary, in invocation as Our Lady of the Peña, I turn to You to grant me, through Your Holy Intercession, the grace I ask of You. (Number and Need). Protect me, beloved Mother, as well as My family and loved ones, from all attacks of the evil one. May Your Holy Intercession deliver us from all evil and danger. Amen."
Pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria.
Prayer of Consecration to the Virgin
Oh my Lady! Oh my Mother! I offer myself entirely to You. And in proof of my filial affection, I consecrate to thee on this day, my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my heart; in a word my whole being. Since I am all yours Oh Mother of goodness, keep me and defend me as your belonging and possession. Amen.
Twelve powerful invocations to Mary in the fight against darkness

"Mary, mighty Mistress of all souls, I deliver all darkness to Your power".
Every time a soul says during a temptation:
"Mary, mighty Mistress of my soul, I surrender to Your feet the devil who is trying to tempt me to this action".
the humiliation for Satan becomes complete, because then I bring him to his knees before Me.
"My Lady, I glorify Your power so that God's kingdom may come on earth"
This invocation has a power without equal on God's heart, for the establishment of God's kingdom on earth is inseparably connected with the recognition of My unlimited power, which is symbolic of the accomplished victory of the human soul over all darkness
Regarding the following invocation, Mary asks that it be said daily at the noon hour, kneeling:
"Praised and glorified be Mary, the mighty Mistress of all souls, in Her victory over darkness"
"My mighty Lady, deign to enter into the center of my being, that with Thee within me I may storm the gates of hell, for from Thee all darkness flees".
"Mary, mighty Queen of Heaven, I belong to You completely and totally. Protect me from all evil."
"Mary, my powerful Heavenly Mother and Mistress, deign to clothe me with You, for You are the impenetrable barrier of Divine Light".
"Mary, highly exalted Queen of Heaven and Mistress of all souls, do unfold Your unlimited power over all darkness that threatens me and my family".
"Mary, our highly exalted Lady, chosen of our God, unfold Your unlimited power over all darkness".
"Immaculate Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of the Light of the World and Terror of the Devils, show now Your invincible power over all evil. Chase away all darkness in the Heavenly Glow of Your glorified Being. Give the shining Cross of Jesus Christ and His blinding love in all Your children."
"O Mary, our immaculately conceived Coredemptrix, whom You will crush the head of the Evil One, I offer up to You all my sufferings to the redeeming Cross of Jesus, and place them in Your Sorrowful Heart, that they may become holy light which blinds Satan."
"O Mary, effulgence of the Divine Light, rule the heart of every man, so that no soul may fall again into eternal darkness".
Refuge and Protection Prayer
Jesus, hide me in Your Sacred Heart. Be my refuge.
Blessed Mother, cover me with your mantle of protection and enfold me in your Immaculate Heart where nothing can touch me.
"You may pray this for others, also. This prayer is given to My children and the Father will not refuse refuge for His children in My heart or the heart of My Mother, for this is His plan from the beginning. Go there often, My child, and you will find rest and relief from the battles and the storms." Jesus (January 19, 2014)
Child's Prayer for Protection
Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here;
Ever this day [ever this night], be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide.
Source: ➥
Divine Praises
by Luigi Felici in 1797
Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy.
Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her Glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. Amen.
Source: ➥
Consecration to Saint Joseph

O Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, here I am, kneeling before your presence, to ask for your protection.
From now on I choose you as my father, protector and guide. Under your protection I put my body and my soul, property, life and health. Accept me as your child. Preserve me from all the dangers, snares and bonds of the enemy. Assist me at all times and first of all at the hour of my death. Amen.
Source: ➥
Intercession to Saint Joseph
V. Of the evils that threaten us, R. Deliver our families.
V. Of discord and friction, R. ...
V. Of diseases and afflictions, R. ...
V. Of the sadness and despair, of the ideas of suicide, R. ...
V. Of the mundane spirit, R. ...
V. Of the dangers of today's false values, R. ...
V. Of the absence and abandonment of the parents, R. ...
V. Of marital immorality, R. ...
V. Of fashion and scandalous customs, of all sexual immoralities and of all other vice, R. ...
V. Of indifference and religious rebellion, R. ...
V. Of lightness and dishonor, R. ...
V. Of bad and dangerous friendships, R. ...
V. Of the lack of love, narcissism and selfishness, R. ...
V. Of misunderstandings and lack of dialogue, R. ...
V. Of the disunity and separations, R. ...
V. Of abortions and the lack of value of the dignity of life, R. ...
V. Of the lack of faith, R. ...
V. Of the financial difficulties, R. ...
V. Of the lack of bread and house, R. ...
V. Of diseases and misfortunes, R. ...
V. Of eternal death, R. ...
Pray for us, oh Saint Joseph. That we may be worthy of reaching the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Source: ➥
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary