Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Monday, August 25, 2014

The end must come so that the new beginning can begin!

- Message No. 664 -


My child. My dear child. Come to Me and find peace in your hearts. Tell all Our children that they live in turbulent times and it is essential to go to Our Holy Places to experience peace and tranquility and to be filled with Our Love.

My children. You must convert and find Jesus, My Son, because only HE will lead you out of suffering, out of distress, out of displeasure and out of anguish! HE loves you, and it is His Holy Love that heals you -all your wounds, your injuries, your soul!

My children. Seek out Our Holy Places and enter into the rest you will find with Us. It is a healing rest, and it will give you peace. It will "order" you and give you new strength. So come to Our places and "refuel," for the times are becoming even more troubled, and discord and aberration they will bring to those who are not with My Son.

My children. Set out, for Jesus will be there to guide you and heal you, but you must go towards HIM so that HE can act for, with and in you. Give HIM your YES, your irrevocable YES, and begin to feel this immense joy in you that a life with Jesus gives you.

I love you, My children. Do not be afraid when it becomes gloomy and dark, because the end must come so that the new beginning can begin.

In deep, sincere, motherly love, I bless you, My children so loved by Me. See you soon, your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen."

"My children. I am saddened, for all that comes from Us will and shall continue to be destroyed.

Carry Jesus in your heart and nothing can happen to you. Believe and trust always in/on HIM, then the end will be your new beginning. So be it.

I love you, your Mother of Fatima. Amen."

Source: ➥