Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
- Message No. 666 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell our children today to pray. The peace in your world is disturbed, and great dangers bring all the brutal quarrels. You are all one, My children, for you all come from God, our Father, yet there are so many among you who lead you astray and into false religions! You must find Jesus, My so beloved children, for only through Him will you find the Father. If you reject Jesus and prefer to believe in Buddhas, Mohammed's, and other misguided people, then you will never attain the Kingdom of Heaven and will not know God the Father. Believe in His Holy Son and open your hearts to HIM, because HE is the TRUE Son of God, UNIQUE and HOLY! HE IS Son of Man and Son of God, and for the forgiveness of your sins HE died on the Cross. HE IS ONE with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and this, My dear children, is so difficult for you to understand. You must believe and you must trust! In faith you will find strength and support and confidence. You will be gifted with more and more miracles that are special only for you. Trust goes hand in hand with faith and gives you serenity and cheerfulness, a peaceful and loving heart. Therefore, believe and trust - and pray for peace, My children. Peace in the hearts of all God's children is essential for an intact world. Therefore, pray for peace in the hearts and in your world. I thank you and I bless you. In deep love, your loving Mother in Heaven, Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
--- "Only I AM THE WAY. Believe, trust and follow Me. Amen. With love, your Jesus."
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