Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Nothing good comes from Rome!
- Message No. 550 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Me. Let yourself fall into My holy arms. I, your loving Jesus, am here with you. Listen to what I want to say today to the children of the earth: listen carefully, My children so loved by Me, and look attentively, because nothing good comes from Rome! My so-called "Vicar" is NOT appointed by Me, the Holy See of Peter sullied with scum and shame!
My teachings are broken by those who call themselves "believers", but they do not believe in Me and the Father, but in the beast, to whom they concede more and more power, so that your earth and you, My children so loved by Me, are terrified, exposed to the evils and cruelties of the devil. They will enslave you and kill you, but the righteous hand of My Father will strike them, and while all children faithful to Me will go to Me, those will pay for every evil deed!
My children. Fear not, for the end is near! Pray and thus hold off the greatest terrors! Only your prayer has this power! Do not be angry, do not be sad, but remain faithful to Me. Soon I will stand before you, and your hearts will feel relief and fill with new hope!
This will be My great sign, by which you will visibly know that everything We tell you here is true, because when the great warning comes, you will all be able to see Me and live the remaining days on earth in perfect devotion and hope and joy for what is to come! I will show you what you must do and change in order to be able to enter My Kingdom. So look forward to this great day, which will take away the doubts of many doubters and which will help billions of children to be corrected, as well as open the way to Me for those who accept My warning as a chance.
My children. This will be a day of joy!
In deep love, your Jesus. Amen.
--- "My children. This day will change your existence forever. You will learn to understand and get a second chance. Rejoice, for the Lord will "enlighten" you! However, even in this oh-so-joyful event, not all children will "go with Jesus," that is, they will persist and continue to worship the devil. Others, who have not prepared themselves, will be overwhelmed by the "frequency of purity" of My Son and die. It will be like a shock for them, which they will not survive. Pray for all these children, because they will be lost to the devil if they do not give their YES to Jesus.
My children. Get ready. The day is very near, and you do not know when it will come. So purify yourselves and prepare yourselves, because when the day comes, you must be ready.
With deep love and attachment.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen."
--- "Remind Our children to have provisions in the house: consecrated candles, water and edibles, for much confusion will be among you, and so you will be prepared for the days after the warning.
I love you, My child. Go now.
Source: ➥