Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 9, 2014
The days of the end are now numbered!
- Message No. 549 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. Tell Our children today, they may continue to answer Our call of the night and pray in the intentions of Jesus. The planned "terrors" that are to overtake your earth can thus be mitigated and even averted, but you must answer Our call and engage in prayer at night when We call you.
My children. If you only knew how powerful your prayer is! You would let go of all the earthly distractions and only pray day and night! Your prayer has so much power! And united with the saints in heaven and strengthened by the graces of the Lord, it acts like a protective wall that does not let anything evil pass and keeps you peace and love!
My children. Use your prayer in this last battle, because the end is coming, and if you do not pray enough, it will be bitter for you and your earth. God the Father will intervene, but you can protect yourselves from the very worst by your prayer, BEFORE His just and chastening hand "thunders" from heaven to earth!
Use prayer and pray in devotion! The prayers in these and other messages are especially powerful for the end times: Pray them!
Pray (also) your Holy Rosaries every night! Pray, pray, pray, then so much calamity will NOT come upon you, for you are holding it off with the rampart of all your prayers!
Listen to Our Word, My so beloved flock of children, and never stop praying, because prayer is the only weapon you have and at the same time your powerful protection in these difficult times of the end.
I love you. Pray, My children.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My Mother speaks the true word. Listen to Her and follow Her call, for your prayer will protect you, keep you from evil, and prepare the way for many more souls to come to Me.
Pray, My children, pray, for the days of the end are now numbered.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen."
--- "Listen to what My Son tells you and pray in His intentions. Follow Our Lady's call, for She speaks the true Word. Pray, My children, pray. In this way you will save yourselves and your earth from great suffering. Amen.
Your Father in Heaven, who loves you so much."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. I, the angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
Source: ➥