Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, May 8, 2014
In your chastisement is his satisfaction!
- Message No. 548 -

My child. My dear child. Sit down with Me and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say to Our children of the earth today: Set out on the way to Jesus, for HE is your Savior! He is the light in your world, the love you carry in your heart! HE brings peace! HE brings fulfillment! And HE is merciful! So all of you run to HIM, to your Jesus, because with HIM you will enter the New Kingdom of Peace, and happy and fulfilled you will live there, because Jesus will be with you, guide you, lead you, and you will come closer and closer to God, your Father, but you must convert to be allowed to receive this so precious gift, because only the one who is pure of heart will be worthy to live in the New Kingdom of My Son.
Only the one who confesses Jesus, follows Him and defends His teachings will enter the New Era of Peace. But to those who trample on HIM, spit on HIM and commit adultery, be it said: You will not know the glories of the Lord, for you are unworthy to receive them. You persist in falsehood and sin and are unclean, and so the devil will seize power over you and will not be squeamish with you, for: Whoever believes that Satan is well disposed towards him, will praise him and bestow riches upon him, be told that he is on the wrong track, for Satan does not keep his promises, he is neither good, nor does he feel love. He is incapable of love and will therefore only harm you, torment you, make you suffer, because: In your torment lies his satisfaction and apart from torment, suffering, distress and anguish, lies, evils, outrages and abominations, he has nothing in store -not for you, nor for anyone else!
So come to Jesus before it is too late, for HE is your Savior. HE loves you, and HE cares for you, but you must give HIM your YES, confess HIM and live your life according to HIS teachings and the commandments of the Father!
Purify yourselves, My children, because very soon everything will come blow by blow! Be ready for Jesus and the Father and receive THEM with love, in joy and with a pure heart!
Confess, My children, confess!
Repent, My children, repent!
And repent, My children, repent of your sinful deeds and thoughts!
Whoever lives according to the Father's will, obeys His commandments and is pure in heart will be worthy.
Purify yourselves! Make an effort! That is how you will please the Father. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥