Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
The "whore of Babylon" will "perish" if you do not pray!
- Message No. 547 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and write, My daughter. I, your Holy Father, warn My children, for they are running to their doom and getting entangled in the set traps of the devil, who seeks to dominate you and the world and place himself as ruler over all being, but this will never happen!
Only love will bring you peace, My children, and snatch you from the tentacles of the devil! Love one another, as Jesus taught you, and run into His arms! He is the victor over all evil, He is your Savior! Run to HIM. So you will not be lost to the evil ones, and peace will dwell in your heart, no matter what is happening around you!
My children. Only love can save you! Only love will win! So love one another and give your YES to Jesus, because HE is the Love, the Light and the Peace, and with HIM you will enter the New Era, which will bring you peace and fulfillment, but the time is not quite there yet, because before this era begins, the devil and his Antichrist will still bring much suffering upon you and your earth.
Pray, My children, pray, for by your ALL prayer you prevent the implementation of the evil plans, but you must pray and oppose, otherwise the "darkness" will overtake you and many souls will fall into suffering.
My children. Your prayer is full of strength and power! I hear you! I see you! I am waiting for your address, because I AM the Creator, your Father, your God and I love you! If only you would feel a little of My love, you would return home to Me and never again engage in strife and war! You would be fulfilled and need only Me, for I care for you, and all My children would be well!
Do not be sad, My faithful devotees, for you will experience this "happiness". Jesus will come to take you away, and 1000 years of peace will be yours. Heaven will merge with Earth WITHOUT being one, and yet you will live together with Jesus and your Heavenly Helpers in a way not yet known to you. Everyone will be taken care of and deep peace will fill you.
My children. Look forward to this time, for it is near! It will be the "reward" for your perseverance, My gift to all My faithful, devoted children. So hold out a little longer because: You are the children of the end times, and no more generations will have to suffer! So accept this great gift from Me, for you are chosen to enter the glory of the New Kingdom of My Son.
Accept My gift, for it will bring you peace! You will be whole and pure, and never again will you experience "earthly" suffering, for the devil will be locked away, chained in the abysses of his hell. From there he will no longer be able to rise and will never again have power over you.
But, My children, be warned, because at the end of the era of peace, a judgment will take place once again. Your free will will be tested one last time, and only then will evil "disappear" forever.
But until then, My children, much time will pass, so that you need not grieve, for even before that time children chosen by Me will pass on My word to you, so that it can be heard throughout the kingdom.
So now hold out for these end times, convert those who have not yet found My Son, and be all pure and ready for the great warning that will befall every child. Know that then everything will happen very quickly. So convert in time and give your YES to Jesus already now, because soon, it will be too late for you. Always keep My precious gift in front of your eyes. It will give you strength and joy and perseverance when now, very soon, "the world will collapse."
My children. The evils that are yet to come are great. Only My love will make you strong, My love will "carry" you through this time. Hang in there and pray, pray, pray.
Your loving Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
--- "My Father warns you, so listen to His word! Your world will be in ruins and nothing will be as you have been used to. Especially the Western world will suffer, because here is "the cradle of sin" of fornication and apostasy, arrogance and pride. The "whore of Babylon" will "perish" if you do not pray, convert and repent of your sins, and with her all the continents "infected" by sin and decay if you do not pray and repent.
Nothing will happen to my faithful children, for heaven will protect them. The Heavenly Army of the Father will watch over them, for it is they who suffer apostasy for you, pray for you, take upon themselves sacrifices for you. They obey the Father, and they "give away" their lives so that others may see the way in time and repent.
For these children, the place at My Father's side is already prepared. They will be gloriously received into heaven, and no suffering of soul will befall them. In the New Kingdom, it will be they who will be at the side of the rest of you. I will appoint them and take care of them with special tasks, because they are closest to Me.
So do not be afraid, My faithful companions, for My Father's Heavenly Army will guide you through the last dark time. So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen.
--- "Convert, My children, and give your YES to Jesus. In this way you too will become worthy of the Lord's gifts, and your soul will be healed. Come, My children, come and let yourselves fall completely into Jesus. He will "carry" you and lead you and bring you to the Father, but you must come to Him with a sincere heart and give Him your YES.
I, your so much loving Mother in Heaven, ask you to do this. Amen. Make this known, My daughter.
Source: ➥