Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Enough is enough for the father!
- Message No. 546 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: The light of the earth is passing away, but you continue to live as if nothing is happening, planning future and progress, not realizing how much you are hurting God the Father in Heaven, how you have stood and are standing against HIM and do not see the danger that all your "madness" (= plundering the earth, poisoning your air, rivers and seas, deforestation of your forests, radiation -from space- of your satellites and networks, and, and, and) is causing!
You destroy your habitat, which God, the Father, has created for you in purest and most perfect love! You expose yourselves to technologies which make you ill, let you be "transparent", radiate you! You are enthusiastic about everything that is good only for your own benefit, and you do not see the great harm that you do with it! You are egocentric, ego-centered, self-loving. Only you count, and it is enough for the Father!
See what you have done and turn back! You are so entangled in the devil's webs that you, like insects, are in a spider's web and don't know how to get out! And as caught in a spider's web, where the spider consumes its prey after a short time -after it has woven it into its spider's thread- so the devil "weaves" you into his webs and will consume your soul sooner or later!
My children. Wake up! It is not too late! Confess to My Son, to your Jesus, and return to your Father in Heaven. Jesus is your way! He is your chance, your only chance to escape the devil and enter the era of peace! So what are you waiting for? Confess Jesus and become true, happy children of the Lord. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My Mother is leading you to Me. Accept Her help and come with Her to Me, to your Jesus. I love you.
Your Savior, Jesus. Amen."
--- "Follow the Mother's call, for she speaks the true word of the Lord.
An angel from the 7 choirs. Amen."
Source: ➥