Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, May 11, 2014
You will know what to do!
- Message No. 551 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven who loves you so much, want to say to the children of the earth: You are living in a time that was foretold to you long ago. The prophecies that God, your Father in Heaven, gave you through His Holy Prophets are now coming to pass.
It is the end time, and you do not have much time left. Only the one who converts, repents and changes his life to Christ, your Savior, will have the gates opened to His New Kingdom, and will reap the fruits that God, the Father in Heaven, has promised to His faithful, devoted children.
But before all this will happen, those who refuse to repent and are totally devoted to the adversary of My Son, paying homage to him and worshipping him, and doing the worst deeds and evils, will receive the chastisements of the Father, and the faithful, believing children will be visibly shown who belongs to the "bad" and who is truly pure and worthy.
My children. The worst has not yet happened, but it is "at the corner of your door", that is, if you do not pray and give yourselves completely to Jesus, then the worst terror will break loose, and whole parts of the earth will be "taken away from you", because the chastisements of the Father will be greater than all the mischief that the devil knows how to do.
My children. Repent before it is too late, because only the children who bear the Divine Seal of the Father will be spared from these chastisements! Whoever does not convert, does not repent and listen to God the Father, will suffer the worst sufferings already on earth.
In chaos, distress and confusion they will fall and perish, but the true children of the Lord will not suffer this "misfortune". The Heavenly Army of the Father will give them protection, and the Holy Spirit of the Lord will give them clarity. They will know what to do, and they will know when the end is near. After the 3 dark days, the light of the Lord will shine upon them, and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit will befall them. You, My beloved children, will know what to do, and Jesus will be there, for the glorious time will then dawn.
So pray now, My beloved children, and prepare yourselves for the coming of My Son. First comes the warning, My beloved children. Then the Second Coming of My Son is not far off.
Pray, pray, pray, that the Father's judgment may be mild!
Pray, pray, pray, for the more you pray, the less harm the devil can do you.
Pray, My children, pray. Only prayer has the power to mitigate and even keep away the planned evils and terrors, but you must pray day and night.
I love you from the depths of My Mother's Heart and bless you from Heaven. Thank you for responding to My call.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My Mother speaks the true word. Listen to Her and follow Her call. Amen. Your Jesus."
--- "My Son will come to redeem you. So turn back and give HIM your YES. In this way you will not be lost.
Your Father in heaven who loves you. Amen."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. I, the angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen." Go now, My child.
Source: ➥