Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Mercy Sunday
- Message No. 537 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your Holy Jesus, am here with you and rejoice, for: Many of My faithful children have honored Me today, on the feast day of My Mercy. They have celebrated the feast in love and joy and with the greatest intimacy and sincerity of heart.
My children. The graces that My Father will pour out in thanksgiving upon you, those for whom you have prayed and supplicated, upon your earth and into the hearts of all the children of the earth -in thanksgiving for your faithfulness, your courage, your perseverance, your prayer and your love for Me, for your Jesus- are great, greater than you can imagine, because the joy in His Father's Heart is intimate and deep, and in thanksgiving you now obtain for yourselves and your loved ones and your brothers and sisters in the Lord these graces in an abundance that you have obtained through your prayer, through your obedience -the following of Our requests- and through the following of Our call -the celebration of this so precious feast in intimacy and love-.
My children. Rejoice, for through these graces much suffering will be averted and millions of souls will convert and find Me, their Jesus and yours.
My children. I thank you, also in the name of My Father, God Most High.
In deep love, your Jesus, who loves you all so much. Amen.
Source: ➥