Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, April 26, 2014
"Pray for the souls in purgatory!"
- Message No. 536 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am here to tell you and My children the following: Your purification is essential, My beloved children, how else will you come before My Son if not pure and free from sin -which you obtain through the Sacrament of Confession, through contrition and penance- and full of love in your heart for My Holy Son, who is Himself purest love, and which you are able to endure only when you are pure and your heart is filled with love for HIM, your Savior.
My children.
Your purification is so important! It is the most important thing for a "quick" return to the Father, because the soul that is defiled will have to answer for every "stain" and purify it, in the flames of purgatory.
My children. Do not do this chastisement to yourselves, for they are blazing flames, washing you clean, which you can AVOID by your purification during your lifetime! Confess, repent, repent! Use the gifts of Heaven for the remission of the penalties of sin, for yourselves and for the poor souls in Purgatory!
Keep the last indulgence for yourselves and give away all the others to those poor souls who sooner or later found Jesus, but never washed their sins clean - for whatever reason. They did not confess, they did not feel their committed sins as sins; the reasons are many. Nevertheless, the Father found them "worthy" to be allowed to step before His face one day - after deep cleansing - because they recognized and agreed - at the latest still - before their "demise" and gave their YES to Jesus, and now, since they repented in time - that is, still during their lifetime - but they had no time left for their cleansing during their lifetime, the Father sent them to Purgatory, in order to attain there what they missed during their lifetime.
My children. Purgatory is a place of purification for the souls who died in God's grace but unpurified. It is not desirable at all, because the flames of God "burn" there, and the soul is in those flames. Therefore, purify yourselves during your lifetime and pray and ask for the poor souls in purgatory! We have already given you a prayer for these poor souls. Pray it, for it relieves much suffering and torment!
My children.
Stay away from sin! Confess also your sins which are UNCONSCIOUS to you, for in this way they can be forgiven to you, and obtain indulgences of the punishments of sins, so that you may be spared Purgatory!
I love you, My so beloved flock of children, and I regularly visit the souls in Purgatory, who hope so much for your prayer! Every soul for whom you pray, prays also for you! For itself it can do nothing there, in that place of God's purifying flames, but for the children of the earth you are!
Pray, My children, pray. Every prayer I carry to them and thus give them relief.
My children.
By every indulgence you give away, I may redeem a soul in Purgatory, provided you give it (the indulgence) away where it is most needed, or at your free disposal to Me, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much.
My children. In the name of the souls in purgatory, I thank you for your prayer, which comforts them so much and gives them relief. Keep praying, My so beloved children. Your reward will be great.
I love you and I am always there for you.
Your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Jesus: "My Mother speaks the true word. It was given to her by the Father. Amen." Our Lady: "Pray for the souls in purgatory. Amen."
Source: ➥