Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 28, 2014
My joy is great!
- Message No. 538 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me, My daughter, and listen to what I, the Almighty Father, have to say to My children of the earth today: From the depths of My Fatherly Heart, which loves you so much, I thank today all those of you who, in the most intimate, profound and sincere love, have celebrated the Feast of Mercy in honor of My Son, your Jesus.
My joy is great. It is you who maintain faith in Us, who trust in Me, in My Son, who live and transmit the teachings of My Son. Through your prayer you "save" the world, because the sin that has befallen the earth and children of men is great and unforgivable, were it not for you there, My faithful children -with your prayer, your faith, your trust you "maintain" this world, so that still innumerable souls can convert - and the mercy of My Son -which HE has obtained for you ALL, by His death on the cross- the forgiveness of sin by HIM, who is your Redeemer and wants to save ALL children of the earth!
My children. Thank you. You gladden My Father's heart, which loves you so much, and My graces, because of you and the so great love of My Son for ALL the children of the earth, flow down in great abundance upon you, upon your earth, and into the hearts of all My children.
Every earth child will feel My love. This will give them yet another opportunity to repent, for the graces that I allow to flow into the hearts of My children will kindle the flame of love in them, a love that so many of them did not know before. Therefore, keep praying, My faithful children, so that these, (still) so lost souls, may confess Me, your Creator!
Your prayer and following My call -in these and other messages- has brought this about.
Your prayer can help millions more children to repent!
I love you and I keep you safe in My love.
Your Father in Heaven who loves you so much. Amen.
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. Keep praying for the poor souls in Purgatory and help by your prayer to find the (still) lost souls to Jesus and God the Father. I, the Angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
--- "My Father is Almighty, and in His Omnipotence HE gifts you with this so precious gift that will lead many more souls to Me. Pray, My children, for your prayer is powerful. Your loving Jesus. Amen." Make this known, My child.
Source: ➥