Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
No one sent by God will ever put himself at the center of world events!
- Message No. 397 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning and a blessed, peaceful and grace-filled New Year to you and yours, whom you hold deep in your heart, but also to all Our children worldwide, for Our love is great for them, yet most do not appreciate it.
My children. What would you be without the divine love in your hearts? Petrified, cold beings, who are hypothermic and lonely, because whoever does not carry the love of the Lord in his heart will soon live alone and without joy, because all those who gather around him do so out of self-interest, but not because they feel love for you, and although you are in the faith of "I am someone", inside you are only poor beings who do not see the light of the Lord and do not know His love, and miserably you will perish, because the eternity that awaits you is not the eternity that My Son gives you.
My children. Wake up! Convert yourselves! Find the way to the Lord! Live your life with Jesus and let the love of the Lord enter you! Then you will see the light at the end of the road, and the divine joy and hope and love will enter you!
My children. A life with My Son, your Jesus, Savior and King of the world, who loves you so much, is the only thing your soul longs for, but the devil has captivated you so much that you no longer know the truth.
My children. Stop and come to your senses! Do not run after those who congratulate and honor you in your independence. With this they blind you even more, because all this is only a deception of the devil to lead you away from the real values of life and to trap you in his illusory and ego world, which has no place for true love.
The devil's "love" does not exist because he does not know it. His "love" is flattering, approving and pride-filling words that never fulfill, but create a dependency and fuel your pride and ego.
My children. This is not love! It only distances you more from God and drives you further and further into his (the devil's) traps! True love resides in the heart! It brings peace, fulfillment and joy, but never "kicks", pride or limelight! He who sudders in the masses, allows himself to be admired and praised before all eyes and ears, is not sent by God!
Pride, recognition and admiration come only from the devil! These are his greatest weapons in the battle for souls and see how easily he "gets you around" with them! Other of his weapons to capture souls are sex, money and power! Never strive for them, because you are falling into the devil's trap! Also, he uses fame and glory and worship, but children, be warned and listen up, because these are due to the Lord alone!
So see what the devil works with and see how he turns good into bad! Recognize his tricks and cunning and beware of his traps! Only the Lord will give you peace and fill you with His love, but the devil - and his rabble - will capture you only by rhetoric, charm, charisma and deception.
Be warned, then, because the devil appeals to your ego, but the Lord fills you with love and humility.
My children. Turn back and do not be deceived by the devil. The end times are now passing, and so many of you are moving in the wrong direction. Some, the followers of Satan, out of conviction, for they have consecrated themselves to Satan. Others, like most of you, out of deception, for they believe those who have come along are messengers of the Lord and have not (yet) realized that it is not so.
Nobody, My children, who is sent by God, will ever put himself in the center of the world events! No one! So be warned of all the pretended good deeds of those who have only one thing in mind: To dominate your world and to destroy Jesus a second time!
As soon as they have eradicated Jesus a second time, they will realize their goals - they think! What they don't know is that no matter what they do and how many churches they desecrate, they can never destroy Jesus.
Jesus will always live in you, His faithful followers! Even if they now change all the Holy Books and adapt them to modern times, My Son will be with you and dwell in you, and when they think they have usurped world domination, My Son will come again and His Kingdom will shine gloriously. So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven and the communion of saints and angels.
"My children. Do not be deceived. The preparations have been made. And My Second Coming will be glorious. The devil will lose all power over the world and will no longer harm My children, but you must confess Me, or you will not experience the glorious time.
My children. I, your Holy Jesus, King of the world, call you to come to Me! Give Me your ever-repeating YES and become pure in heart and soul. Repent, what you have not done well and let love enter you! Confess, then you will become free and pure, for My love will forgive and heal you. Come to Me, to your Jesus, and great will be your joy! Amen. So be it.
I love you from the depths of My Holy Redeemer Heart and look forward to the great day. For when I come again, evil will have an end, and peace will be given to all My faithful children. Amen.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children and King of the world. Amen."
"My children. Prepare yourselves and prepare your homes! Consecrate yourselves to My Son with the little prayer We have given you, and lay up supplies of candles, which you will please have consecrated by a Catholic priest. Have holy water in your house and holy scriptures, because when the 3 days of darkness come, you must be ready for the attacks of Satan.
So be it. Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
Thank you, My child."
Source: ➥