Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
No attack of the devil can shake you if you live in love for My Son!
- Message No. 396 -

My child. My dear child. Always keep peace in your heart and let the love of the Lord work in your heart. My child. You are being attacked very, very strongly by the evil one, but keep calm. My Son knows how hard this is for you, because every attack weighs on your soul, pierces your heart, just as it leaves shadows on the hearts of your children. Ask My Son to heal this, to heal in all of you, and try not to give in to these attacks and to stand firm. The latter is very, very difficult, because it takes possession of the smallest and thus inflicts great damage, or rather, great wounds on you. My Son knows this, and He will give you healing. Stay strong, My children. The end times will soon be over, and then peace will dwell in you. There will be no more attacks, because in the New Kingdom there will be love and peace and happiness. My Son will take care of all His faithful children, and He will deliver you from sickness and disgrace, from listlessness and poverty. He will lift you all up into His New Kingdom, and happy children of the Lord you will be there. But even now, in this terrible time, HE gives joy and gladness to all faithful children. He bears every burden and alleviates every suffering, therefore confess Him, so that this happiness may also be yours.
My children. No attack of the devil can shake you if you live in love with My Son. Although he (the devil) will tempt, besiege and persecute you, he will not reach his goal, because whoever has confessed My Son is under His protection, and every attack of the devil will remain such, but he will never get power over you.
Do not feel guilty when an impact comes, and ask for the love of My Son. He will come to heal your soul and free you from the sin of attack.
My children. Carry into confession everything that feels bad and let the Lord fill you completely. His love for you is immeasurable, and everyone is forgiven by Him if he is lacking. Repent and do penance, but do not martyr yourselves, for the devil magnifies your sense of guilt to suffocate you. Give it to My Son and ask HIM for forgiveness, and HE will forgive you and give healing.
Do not hold on to any sin committed that you have once repented and confessed. That is only the devil himself who wants to torment you with old burden and sorrow. Whoever has repented and confessed once, his/her sin/s is/are forgiven and does not need to be presented a second time. So don't let this torture get to you, but repent, repent and confess what you have done wrong (again).
I love you, My children, and will always be with you, guiding you and bringing you to My Son, if that is what you want and ask Me. But never will I impose Myself on you, therefore pray to Me, to Jesus and Our Lord and also to the saints and angels, for all of them We are ready for you and give you joy in your life, if you let Us.
A blessed year We now wish all Our children, and may the light of the Lord illuminate your soul, kindle His flame in you and His love burn in you.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children with Jesus and the communion of saints and angels.
"My blessing I give to each one of you, for you are all My children.
In greatest love I created you, and in most ardent love I await you.
A grace-filled New Year in joy, love and trust in Our Word, your Father in Heaven wishes you.
With all My omnipotence I love you, and with My miracles I give you, but you must go the way with Jesus and give HIM your YES now.
"The Lord has spoken, so follow His call and let His miracles enter your lives.
HE WHO IS Almighty feels true love for you, and in this HE created you. So come back home to Him and find His Son, for He will soon come to show you what you must do to find your way back home.
Then the end comes, and the dark days dawn, and HE, your Creator, sends you His Son. And He will fight all evil, banish the beast and chain it. Then comes a light as bright as gold in the sky. The dark days will be over, and the faithful children will be saved.
My children. Pray for one another that the number of those who will experience the light of the New World will be great, for all those who did not prepare in time will be lost. I, your angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
Thank you, My daughter. Make this known.
Source: ➥