Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 30, 2013
Your rejoicing over the false ones will soon bear fruit!
- Message No. 395 -

My child. Tell Our children that We love them. Tell them that they may prepare themselves for the Lord, for soon, very soon, HE will face you.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven. Amen.
Therese of the Child Jesus: "Pray for the children. Amen."
"My child. The times are so dark for all the children who do not profess the Lord. They will become even darker now, for the evils of tribulation will reach all unbelievers.
My children. Confess Jesus and give HIM your YES, then the evil one will have no more power over you, and the Lord will come to you and save you.
Make this known.
I love you.
Your Josep de Calassenç. Amen."
"My child. Josep speaks the truth: only the children who have confessed Jesus will keep joy and gladness. But those who push HIM away, who do not want to give HIM their YES, they will now have a bad time.
The end comes creeping, therefore be warned. Your rejoicing over the wrong ones will soon bear fruit: fruit of terror, horror, distress and torment. You will be completely controlled and wiped out if you rebel.
So be warned and confess My Son. HE is the only way out of the clutches of evil, here on your earth, as well as at the end of all your days on earth.
Your Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children." "Be warned.
Times are coming to a head and horror is overtaking your earth before I, your Jesus, return.
But then there will be great joy, and all My faithful children will experience the light of the New World.
So give Me, your Jesus, your YES, so that I can take you with Me. Amen.
I love you.
Your Jesus."
Go, My daughter. Amen.
Source: ➥