Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Free yourselves from the opinions of others and especially the media!
- Message No. 398 -

My child. Tell Our children to convert. Only those who follow My Son will obtain eternity in the Lord's Kingdom. Therefore, My children, prepare for the Second Coming of My Son, for the Father has set the date, and My Son is preparing for the "togetherness" with you that precedes His Second Coming.
My children. Many children will still be saved. They will find the way to My Son, for they will know His Light, but you must continue to pray for them so that they will be ready to give their YES to My Son.
So confusing is your present time. So cunningly does the devil lead you on false trails. Children! Watch out! He is cunning and vain, and by their vanity you will recognize the false ones, when they let themselves be admired in the "limelight" by the masses! This happens already now under superficial humility, but tell Me, My children, who is humble who does not make himself small?
Be warned, for many of you do not know what humility is, so caught and blinded are they by the illusory world of the beast. Not he who basks in the light of the world, nor he who lets himself be celebrated by the masses, is humble in his heart, but you see only what the devil wants you to see, and skillfully he turns and shows you his henchmen in such a way that you see only good.
He manipulates you with what he shows you, and nobody looks behind the scenes of this big show stage anymore, because long ago you have confused humility with popularity, the "bathing in the masses" with affection and do not see the truth: After power and recognition they strive, and you give them exactly that without noticing it, follow them blindly, deaf and in the maelstrom of the cheering masses.
My children. This you do with the false prophet, and this you will do with the Antichrist, because you do not listen to your heart! Insecure you are, some of you, but since the masses follow, you follow too! Keep away and give your YES to Jesus! Pray to the Holy Spirit and free yourselves from the opinions of others and especially the media, which the devil himself controls through his group of the wicked!
Wake up! Listen and look carefully! And feel into your heart! Whoever entrusts himself to Jesus will recognize the truth, but whoever blindly follows men will remain on wrong paths.
I love you! Confess yourselves to My Son, before you get lost in the maelstrom of deception.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"To each one I will come who sincerely turns to Me, His Savior.
I will help and give clarity to anyone who sincerely asks Me for it.
So give Me your YES, and I will come to give you My clarity, and peace will come to your hearts. I love you.
Your Jesus.
Source: ➥