Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 23, 2013
The Holy Father in Heaven is bestowing upon you in these days exceeding graces!
- Message No. 385 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming, you/you. Merry Christmas also to you, My children. Celebrate this feast in contemplation and carry love in your hearts for all those who are suffering hardship and/or do not know how to experience the love of the Lord, especially in these days.
My children. Remember all God's children of this earth especially in these days and take them all with you in your prayers. The Lord's blessing will be with you and with those for whom you pray.
My children. Reflect! Carry love in your hearts and enjoy this wonderful time, for the graces of Heaven are great, and the Holy Father in Heaven is bestowing upon you in these days exceeding graces.
My children. All of you, find the way to My Son and give yourselves completely to Him. Then, at last, your hearts can heal and experience the perfect love of the Father. Your soul will also heal, because all burden is taken from it by the Father through the Son, but you must confess to Him and give Him your YES. It is not too late yet, but you must not lose any time. The time of preparation will soon be over, and then it will be too late for you. The devil will take possession of your soul, because you did not choose the way home, thus you went astray and did not notice the danger in time.
Turn back, My children, and let yourselves be filled with the love of My Son. He, who is Holy, was sent by the Father to redeem you, and with this Christmas you celebrate this great joy and the incarnate hope, the "Feast of Redemption".
My children. Jesus loves you. He wants to embrace each one of you with His Divine Love and lead you home to the Father, because He knows how difficult life on earth is, He knows how cunning the temptations of the devil are, He knows about all your worries and fears and wants to free you and redeem you from the misfortune that you have forged for yourselves.
Give yourselves and HIM a chance, because His love for you is so great that you are healed* on the spot, as soon as you have really got involved with HIM. So be it. I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
(*Note: Physical healing is not meant here.)
"Tell the world to pray for My children. Tell all people, for much prayer is still needed, and many children's souls are suffering in agony.
Pray for the little ones, but pray also for their parents. Amen.
Thank you. Have a happy feast.
Your Saint Therese of the Child Jesus."
Source: ➥