Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, December 22, 2013
The Lord will now soon send His Son to earth!
- Message No. 384 -

My child. My dear child. Tell Our children to keep peace in their hearts. Tell them to remain in love and be good to one another - and tell them to prepare for the Lord, for soon Jesus will come to you and take you with Him, and for this you must be prepared and free from sin.
My children. There is no one among you who is free from sin, but there are the children among you who seek out the Holy Sacraments and make an effort not to give in to sin. That is, they live their lives with Us, seek out Holy Confession, live as best they can as God the Father intended, and if they lack, they repent, do penance, and also accept suffering for others, for those who live far from the Lord.
They pray for all people, and they pray for all. They live mostly in seclusion. They do not "indulge" in earthly externals, that is, they stay away from the distractions of the devil as much as they can. They long only for Us, for their true joy is in the Lord, and nothing can fill their hearts except the Lord Himself, as well as through Us, His Heavenly Helpers.
My children. A life on the outside holds great dangers for all Our children, because the devil is lurking for you at every corner. He is at every bend in the road and is ever present to capture souls.
Therefore, turn within yourselves! Reflect again on God, Our Lord, and on Jesus, His incarnate Son for you! Find the way that makes you happy, because it is only the way to the Lord, back home, to your Creator, that truly fulfills you and thus gives you lasting happiness.
Come, My children, come and surrender yourselves and your lives to the Lord again. Whoever finds his way to the Father will attain eternity, but whoever continues to flee to the outside will experience much suffering in the here and now, and eternity at the Lord's side will not be given to him.
So come, My children, and give Jesus your YES! Then His miracles can also begin in your life and your heart can dance full of joy. The way of the Lord is the way to eternity, in happiness, in joy, in peace and love. Whoever walks it will lack nothing, for he has everything he needs and will always be taken care of.
So come, My children, and wait no longer, for the time of preparation is but short, and the Lord will now soon send His Son to earth.
Take this chance and give Jesus your YES, then this meeting will be of the greatest joy and beauty.
So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven and the saints. Amen.
Source: ➥