Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Consecrate yourselves to Me this Christmas and from now on live entirely with Me!
- Message No. 383 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me, My daughter, and listen to what I have to say to the world: I, your Jesus, will gift with My love each one of you who lets Me into his heart. I will guide him, heal him and take care of him, but he must surrender and entrust himself completely to Me, his Jesus.
My children. Whoever surrenders himself completely to Me will not suffer, for his soul has entrusted itself to Me, and I will guard it and purify it, heal it and elevate it.
My children. Give yourselves completely to Me, your Holy Jesus, for My mercy will forgive all your sins. My goodness will take care of you and My love will flood you, but you must come to Me, your Jesus who loves you so much, entrusting, surrendering and consecrating yourselves completely to Me, for then I can work My miracles in and on you, and your joy will be great and wonderful.
Your heart will be filled with My Holy Love, and your worries will evaporate. The evil one, though after you because he wants to steal every soul and especially those closest to Me, will have no more power over you, for you are under My protection and in My care, and nothing can the devil do to cause lasting harm.
My children. Entrust yourselves completely to Me! Surrender yourselves to Me, your lives, your loved ones and all your affairs! Then a piece of heaven will already dwell in you, and the mysteries of the Lord you will begin to understand. You will learn to become more and more involved in what the Father has intended for you since the beginning of time, and you will carry great joy in your heart.
My children. Consecrate yourselves to Me this Christmas and from now on live completely with Me.
I love you, My children. Soon the Father will send Me to you, for the end is near and the devil's days are now numbered. Hold on, and come to Me.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen.
"My Son has spoken. Follow His call, for everyone who surrenders, consecrates and entrusts himself to Him, I will bestow upon him My special graces. So be it. Your loving Father in heaven. Amen."
"My child. Make this known! Boxing Day would be/is a beautiful day for this message. Amen. Your Mother in Heaven." "So be it." God the Father smiles.
Source: ➥