Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 23, 2013
See the outstretched hand of the Lord and accept it!
- Message No. 386 -

I am sad because you do not honor the Lord. You spend your time on material things and do not realize what is important. Christmas is the feast of Christ. The Lord was born to you, but most of you do not care. He lived for you. He died for you. He took all the guilt from you. He loves you. But you ignore HIM, trample HIM under your feet, dishonor HIM, desecrate His churches and mock HIM.
My children. Stop this, for the downfall will be yours. See the outstretched hand of the Lord and accept it, otherwise the devil will come. He will make you burn in the lake of fire and inflict the greatest torment. So accept the hand of the Lord and start to love HIM again. For only HE is the way to eternity, but the devil is the way to hell.
Wake up! Get ready, because the Lord will come again. Whoever does not turn to HIM will be lost, because anyone who refuses to say YES to the Lord gives power to the devil, who will take him to eternal damnation.
So come to Jesus! Pay respect and honor to HIM. Then He will perform His miracles on you and fill you with the love of the Lord.
Come before it is too late.
I, your Saint Josep de Calassenc, tell you. Amen.
Go, My daughter. The blessing of the Lord be with you and yours. Tell this also to N.N. and his family. Amen.
Source: ➥