Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

As soon as you begin to live with Jesus, the gates of heaven will be opened to you!

- Message No. 387 -


My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. Sit with Me and listen to what I want to share with Our children today: a little more than 2000 years ago, the Good News of the Lord's birth through Me, His chosen handmaid, was announced to Me, your Holy Mother in Heaven, by the Archangel Gabriel.

My children. I too was only a handmaid of the Lord, striving to live His will and thereby please HIM, for the love of the Lord was all that I, little Mary, longed for.

I never dreamed I could be His chosen handmaid for this great mission, but the Lord chose Me, His humble soul, to receive and give birth to the most beautiful, the most wonderful, the most blessed and gracious of all gifts, His Most Holy Son, whom HE gave to the world to bring peace to the hearts of mankind and to flood them with love, to forgive their sins and grant them entrance into His so wonderful, all-surpassing Kingdom, through the redemption that His Incarnate Son would bring -and has brought- for you, His multitude of children, so that every child may return to HIM, the Almighty Father, and live in the true and divine love of the Lord.

Today, after these 2000 years, this redemption is imminent for all the children of the earth, because with the Second Coming of the Lord, the Second Coming of His Son, the prophecy of the 1000 years of peace in His New Kingdom will be fulfilled, but, My so beloved children, only those will be taken who have confessed HIM, Jesus, your Savior.

Therefore, My children so beloved by Me, I implore you: Convert! Repent! Prepare yourselves for My Son! Because once He is here, it will be too late for many of you.

Listen to My motherly call, which comes from the depths of My heart that loves you so much, and run to Jesus, into His open, so loving arms!

Give HIM your YES and begin to share your life with HIM! Invite Him into your hearts, to your lunch table, to your side! Share every day anew with HIM! Consecrate yourselves to HIM! Surrender yourselves to HIM! And love HIM!

My children. As soon as you begin to live with Jesus, the gates of heaven will be opened to you and wonderful things will happen to you.

Believe and trust, because that is how it will be.

I love you, My children, and from My heart I wish you a blessed Christmas in the joy of My Son and in deep divine love.

Thank you, My children, for responding to My call.

Your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much. Mother of all God's children. Amen.

"The celebration in heaven will be great today." An angel of the Lord at the door of heaven.

all coming together to celebrate the Feast of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is beautiful)

"My child. Report this to Our children. The Christmas season goes on until Epiphany. Amen.

This is the blessed season. Amen."

Source: ➥