Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Jesus will be victorious and the era of millennial peace will dawn!
- Message No. 341 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My child, write, for many still need to hear Our Word, as many still need to convert to My Son, before then the prophecies come true, and HE, your Savior Jesus Christ, comes from heaven high to earth, WITHOUT living among you, but to free you from the clutches of the evil one and his "elite army", so that you can then live the true peace that the Father has promised you for so long.
My children. The evil one will be defeated, chained in the lake of fire so that he cannot leave hell for a thousand years. His followers will go with him. They will live great torment, and the torment of fire will burn them without killing them. They will be subjected to the most terrible suffering and cruel hardship, because Satan is "boiling" with rage over the defeat he will suffer and will make the "guilty" suffer for it, punish them for their inability not to have triumphed over the "softy", as he calls Jesus, and his followers.
These "guilty ones" will be the ones to whom he has promised the most, and nothing of these promises they will reap, because the devil knows only hatred and misery, and never will he keep his promises, never will he do good, not even for his most obedient followers and servants. He is evil itself and thus will do harm to all who have to deal with him!
My children. Jesus will come to triumph, and the era of millennial peace will dawn. Many changes will take place, and all of you will enter this New Glory as happy children of God. But you must confess Jesus and entrust your life to HIM!
Whoever lives with Jesus will already live protected, he will be "caught up" and he will be taken care of, because the ways of the Lord are almighty and whoever is granted the grace of the Lord's almightiness is blessed his whole life!
Nothing bad will happen to him, but, My beloved children, do not confuse the "easy life" with happiness, because true happiness is only in your heart! It is given to you by the Father Himself, and whoever has found it in himself, no obstacles are too great for him!
My children. I love you from the depths of My Holy Mother's Heart and place all of you, who faithfully serve My Son, under My Holy Mantle of Protection. My Motherly Blessing I bestow on those who sincerely love My Son!
Thank you, My children, for hearing My call and following it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children. Amen.
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥