Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Whoever does not live with Jesus will believe the Antichrist!
- Message No. 340 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming today.
My child. The time is short. Tell Our children to be converted. Soon Jesus will come to you, but you must be ready for Him and not fall for His adversary.
Jesus will come to redeem you, and HE will take every faithful child with Him, but before that His adversary will appear, enter the world stage and steal many innocent souls. He is cunning and very skillful, and many of Our children will lie at HIS feet.
Be warned, then, for he who is coming is not My Son, but he will pretend to be. Little will he do for it, for so cunning are the plans of the evil one that it is you yourselves who elevate him to and as the one he is not, and all that he will do will confirm to you that he is the messenger, yet he was not sent from heaven, but descended from hell itself!
He is the son of the evil one, the devil, the beast, the serpent! And so many of Our children he will deceive and bring to ruin.
My Son, on the other hand, is love itself. HE does not seduce! HE does not captivate by charm and not by rhetoric! HE IS and does not have to prove anything to you.
But the other one will bring much suffering to your soul, because he is up to no good. Sent from hell he will steal souls, he will pretend and lie and pretend much to you, but never will he bring you love, never will he bring you fulfillment, only kicks and euphoria, but nothing of what My Son has in store for you!
So turn back, because whoever does not live with Jesus, whoever does not know His love and does not know what the Divine fulfillment is, he will believe the Antichrist, he will follow him and lose himself to him and to the beast.
So turn back before it is too late and confess Jesus, give HIM your YES. Then you will know and keep clarity, and your heart will know who is the true Son of the Lord.
I love you, My so beloved children.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
Violent squalls. Everything is flying away.
"My child. This purification is needed. Tell Our children to turn back. I love you. Bonaventure and the saints. Amen."
Source: ➥