Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
A life with Heaven is the truest and most beautiful joy a person can experience!
- Message No. 342 -

Yes, My child. I am very sad because the state of your world is deteriorating. The Internet is your great enemy and "they" are using it to "depersonalize" EVERYTHING, i.e. where there are no more contacts, there is no need for anyone to act, and thus you all are not getting any further!
Where "machines" and "computers" replace YOU, the heart is missing, the soul is missing, because the human being is missing, who should do this work in the service to his fellow men. But "they" purposefully replace you, the human children, by these technologies, for all "good", the heart, the compassion, what every heart has -or should have, because it is missing "them", the followers of evil, for you, because they only know and love themselves and their kind and their kind only as long as they are useful for them, so they don't know the true love and deprive your world, your everyday life, your life, just this love! !!-, and more and more your society "cools down", more and more you "suffer", and less and less they care about you, your needs.
My children. STOP! Stop and give your heart back to your world! Give it back love by caring for each other and responding to the needs of your fellow human beings! A machine will never be able to replace a human being, because that is impossible! Care for each other again and listen to your counterpart! Get rid of these ice-cold devices, because they confuse and embitter you! They steal quality of life from you, although you are all convinced it is the other way around, but it is not so! You are "transparent" for the elite group of the dark side, and you still live as if all this is not true! Reflect again on the important things in life, because you are here to prepare for the Eternal Life at the Lord's side! But you live as if only this world exists!
My children. How deluded you are! How misguided and ignorant! And still you believe yourselves "superior" if you have money, if you have possessions, a good job and some power! You live for recognition, but you should make yourselves small, because only God, the Lord, is almighty! Only HIM deserve honor and glory! You come from HIM, from the Almighty Creator, but you behave yourselves like rulers over life and death!
My children. This must not be! Stop it and find the way back to the Father! Only the one who honors the Father, respects HIM and gives his life to HIM and shares it with HIM, the truths of his existence will be revealed to him and the Divine love will fill him. He will live happily and in contentment and with all his problems will always turn to the Father and let HIM act!
My children. A life with Heaven is the truest and most beautiful joy a person can experience! Therefore, open your heart and let the Lord enter. Let HIM work in you and let HIM act through you!
My children. So much We have already explained to you in these messages and so I ask you: Follow Mary's call and live according to the Word of the Lord! Prepare yourselves for the return of Jesus, for it is imminent! Accept all the help that We keep giving you and let yourselves be enlightened by the Holy Spirit! In this way you will receive the Lord worthily and face Him with joy in your heart. His love will be tremendous, therefore put away all sin! Use the Holy Confession, because it will give you the necessary purification.
My children. I love you and I am looking forward to the great day of joy, because when Jesus comes, HE will be victorious, and all faithful children will enter into His New Kingdom, and suffering and distress, poverty and hunger, injustice and cruelty will be no more! You will be lifted up and be pure, but you must prepare yourselves for this wonderful time.
With deep love. Your Saint Bonaventure.
Source: ➥