Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, November 1, 2013
Gather all the holy objects; pass this on to your priests!
- Message No. 328 -

My child. My dear child. Keep writing for Us. What We want to tell you today is of utmost importance to all Our believing and non-believing children worldwide, for what is about to happen on your earth is cruel and unworthy of God, for in all the churches worldwide My Son is to be removed, and your Holy Objects, statues and books will be "alienated" and "defaced", but before that they will continue to desecrate Me, your Holy Mother, so that nothing will remain of My Holiness, but it will never be like that. No matter what they will do to Me, your Holy Mother, they will not succeed in "desecrating" Me.
My children. All that will be left to you are "defaced" sacralia, i.e. they will put pagan and satanic things/symbols on the little that will not be taken from you, thus dishonoring and defiling everything.
My children. Be warned, for this time is already beginning. So gather everything you have of holy sacralia and give this also to your priests.
My children. I love you so much. If you could feel My love, you would be moved with tears of happiness and joy.
My children. Convert yourselves, those who have not yet confessed My Son, and come to Me, to your Holy Mother in Lourdes. Those who cannot come to Me, pray to Me.
I love you, My so beloved flock of children, and I want to be with you always. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Lourdes.
"Amen, I say this to you: Gather all holy objects, books and statues, for soon all this will be taken from you, exchanged, adulterated and defaced.
I love you. Listen to the Holy Word of My Mother, for it was given to Her by the Father. Amen. So be it.
I love you very much, My children, and I await you all with open arms and My all-pervading love.
Your Jesus."
Source: ➥