Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Conversion is the only way to enter the New Paradise!
- Message No. 327 -

My child. My dear child. I love you. Thank you for coming. Yes, I will heal your son. Believe and trust.
My child. Tell Our children that they want to come to Me, to their Mother in Heaven, for I have great graces in store for all My children. Tell them this from Me, My so beloved little one, for I want to gift all My children with these graces given to Me for you by God, Our Father.
My child. Tell them to convert, for conversion and professing My Son is the only way to enter the New Paradise, His Kingdom, created for all of you by your Father who loves you so much.
My child. Go now. I am waiting for you here. Your little ones are cold and tired. Your journey was beautiful, but also exhausting. Go now, My child, in peace. I love you. I am waiting for you tomorrow. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven. Mother of Lourdes.
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