Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The signs of the times are so clear and evident, yet the majority of Our children still do not recognize anything!
- Message No. 329 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. My child. The signs of the times are so clear and evident, yet the majority of Our children still do not recognize anything. They do not want to believe that the end of this world so familiar to you is near, they do not want to change anything -nothing in themselves, nothing in their way of life-, and they do not believe in the prophecies, the Word of the Lord, given to you by Us.
My child. Tell Our children worldwide, believers and unbelievers, that the time is near, for you are living in the end times and much evil is yet to come. Then My Son will come, deliver you and save you, and you will attain the New Kingdom, provided you give Him your YES and finally convert!
My children. All Our children We love, and all missteps We forgive, but you must repent and confess Jesus. Whoever continues to remain on the outside, whoever does not open his heart, My Son will not be able to take him. He will be lost to the enemy, and his soul will attain eternal torment.
Wake up, then, and give your YES to My Son, for then the prophecies will be fulfilled for you and His Kingdom will become yours, your home in peace and deepest love, in bliss and without suffering and hardship.
I love you, My children. Always be faithful to your Jesus.
In deepest love and attachment, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Lourdes.
Source: ➥