Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Those who are not at rest are easy prey for the devil !
- Message No. 199 -

My child. My dear child. Do not let yourselves be upset, because that is what the devil tries to do again and again, in order to then mislead his "victims", that is you, My beloved children, and to whisper wrong decisions to them, which will then upset you, My beloved children, even more.
Trust your heart, and when you realize that you are not at peace, decide only when you feel calm again. Nothing is so urgent, nothing so important, that it cannot wait another night. If one would like to persuade you of this, then be sure that this also comes from the devil, because God would never urge you, never force you to do something and never put "the gun" on your chest, i.e. HE can wait, wait until you decide of your own free will and with conviction, in love and with the heart and not rushed and confused, because this does not come from HIM.
So always remain calm, and make your decisions calmly. Anything else would not be right, and only the devil is happy when you make wrong decisions, because he laughs at you when you feel bad, rushed and taken advantage of. So remain in tranquility and act in tranquility.
I love you very much.
Your mother in heaven who loves you. Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not come to rest will find Me difficult.
He who does not decide from his heart and in peace will not be happy with his decisions.
He who is rushed and urged enters into covenant with the devil, for no child of mine urges and rushes you for a decision, only the devil uses this method, for he knows that he can harm you in this way.
So stay with Me and always be at peace, because only in this way will you make right decisions, only in this way will you live happily with your decisions.
I love you so much, My beloved children.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"My child. My daughter. I, your Father in Heaven, want to tell all My children that it is important to approach everything in peace.
Those who are not at rest are easy prey for the devil and make decisions that they then regret, a regret that hurts them and often has dire consequences, for wrong decisions only do the devil good, but the children of God harm.
So always remain at peace and do not decide anything unless you are at peace.
I love you, My children so beloved by Me.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children."
Source: ➥