Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, July 12, 2013
It is in difficult situations that your trust is tested.
- Message No. 200 -

My child. Sit with Me and listen to what I have to say to the world: My child. Whoever trusts in Us and whoever gives his YES to My Son, We will stand by him in every situation, help him, take care of him and gift him with Our love. Tell this to Our children, because as soon as "problems" arise, "difficulties" present themselves to them, they begin to brood, doubt and do not trust in God.
You must learn to give HIM EVERYTHING, the good and the less good. Mostly it is the less good, which then leads you even closer to My Son and through which you "grow" (learn) enormously. This "growing" gives you an enormous joy afterwards, but you must learn to entrust EVERYTHING to God the Father and place it in His Holy Hands, in the hands of His Holy Son.
My children. Especially in difficult situations your trust will be tested, because it is easy to trust in "Heaven" in happiness and joy, yet it is We, My Holy Son, God the Father, His Saints and His Holy Angels who intervene and guide you through these "difficult" times and situations.
Believe and trust! Always! God the Father protects His children, but you must let HIM do the same. Act with HIM, i.e. sacrifice, pray and ask for clarity and guidance. Then HE can help you.
My children, I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, know how difficult it is for many of you, but ALWAYS remember God the Father and His Holy Son. Call on His Holy Spirit and your "difficulties" will not be so "difficult" anymore.
I love you, My beloved children.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"Let Me act, My dear children, and your life will become easier again.
You will be happier and more loving, and nothing will seem insurmountable to you anymore.
Let Me act (for you), and your life will become easier and more beautiful.
I love you, My beloved children.
Your Jesus."
Source: ➥