Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Repent and repent of your deeds that were sinful, and then come into My Holy Father's arms!
- Message No. 198 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to tell you and all Our children today, that time as you know it now is coming to an end and that only those who are pure in heart will be taken to the New Eternity, that is, to the New Paradise created by God, Our loving Father, for all His children to live together in harmony, love, security and happiness.
There, where heaven and earth become one, your soul will live in perfect happiness and contentment. You will be true children of God, that is, you will finally be able to live your love, which is given to every child of God, and you will be fine.
Wonderful life will be for you, there where heaven merges with earth, for malice and hatred, sorrow and suffering, will not exist there. Therefore, My so beloved children, purify yourselves and repent of your sins, prepare your soul for this wonderful time, because when Jesus comes, high in the sky, you must be ready for HIM and your hearts pure.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"My child. My daughter. I, your Father in Heaven, rejoice in the return of all My children on this great day! But only those of you who have made yourselves ready will be able to enter into My new world created for you!
The New Jerusalem awaits you, therefore prepare your soul. Repent and repent of your deeds that were sinful, and then come into My Holy Father's arms!
I love all My children! I am waiting for each one of you, and I want to press each one of you to My Holy Father's Heart, so much do I love you, no matter how lost and on what paths you have gone.
If you repent and make yourselves truly free from sin, then, My so beloved children, I will embrace you with My love, shower you with My gifts and give you a life of everlasting glory, that is how much I love you!
Come back to Me, your Father and Creator in Heaven, all of you!
I await you with all My love, My blessings and look forward to this beautiful time!
I love you. Each one of you.
Your Father in Heaven with Jesus."
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not honor My Father will not be worthy to enter My Kingdom.
Whoever does not give Me his YES, I will not be able to take him.
Use your free will and save yourselves, My children so loved by Me, but woe to him who opposes Me. His soul will be lost, suffering the torments of hell for eternity.
So come to Me, to your Savior, and eternity will be beautiful for you.
I love you. Each one of you. And I forgive you! But you must repent.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
Source: ➥