Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Whoever says he is the Messiah, come to redeem you, he was sent by Satan.
- Message No. 144 -

My child. My dear child. It is good to have order. He who lives in order lives in harmony with things.
He who lives in disorder attracts chaos. His inner being is then not "ordered" and he creates more and more "disorder" in his life.
You must approach things as they present themselves to you. If you put everything on the "back burner", you will eventually get lost in your self-generated disorder. Instead of being able to truly say and feel, "DONE!" for once, he will NEVER be able to rest, because there will always be something left undone that will not let him rest, and the one who is not at rest lives unhealthily and is an easy target for the attacks of Satan and his demons.
Things that you leave lying around will eventually catch up with you. Even if you have forgotten them and no longer think about them, they come back to you as a sharp projectile at some point, and many of you get totally upset, off balance and sometimes even in unnecessary distress, because if you had taken care of them immediately, the matter would also have been dealt with immediately and much more defused.
So create order in your life. Create order in yourselves. Create it around you: in your homes, at work, in the basement, the garage, the garden, your relationships, in your feelings, and in your lives. Order is willed by God in all areas of being. Chaos, disorder, distraction, on the other hand, come from Satan, and he uses them to trap you. Be aware of this! Whoever does not live in order is an easy target for the evil one, because in chaos he can really rage, strike, capture and devour you.
Chaos never comes from God. He, who created everything in perfection, sees how much His children suffer from it. So create order and make room for God. Where God the Father moves in, love, His Divine love, will create order in you and around you. Satan and his demons will lose the foundations of their "capture technique" over you, and your life will become beautiful again. You will come into peace and experience joy again without fear that there may still be "loose ends" to tie up.
Ask Us to help you. All of Heaven is ready for you. Call upon Us - and We will come to help you, but you must also do your part.
Open your hearts to Jesus, your Savior, and give Him your YES. Attend again the Holy Masses and receive the Holy Sacraments. Live in harmony with God's creation and put His commandments in the first place of your existence. Live according to it and live HIS will. Then, My beloved children, heaven will work its miracles in you and around you, and your life will change for the good. You will reap the fruits of goodness and experience life as truly beautiful.
Always believe in Us, in God the Father and Jesus, and hope and trust in THEM. Listen to your heart and do not fall for false prophets and wannabes. No one will come down from heaven to dwell among you in flesh and blood. No one will come down from heaven to impress you with miracles. My Son Jesus Christ will come, on the day of great joy. But not to dwell among you in flesh and blood and not to impress you with miracles. Whoever claims this is lying to you. Whoever says he is the Messiah and has come to redeem you was sent by Satan.
Jesus will come high in the sky with all the signs, and 3 days of darkness will surround the earth. Then the last of all battles will be fought and Satan will be banished. The false prophet and the antichrist will be damned in the lake of fire and drag all those with them who did not give their YES to My Son. Joy will be great for all God's children who bear the seal, for Jesus will reveal their inheritance to them. Heaven will merge with the earth on which you live, and the glorious time of peace will be given to the "seal children" under the reign of My Son. His Church will rise with Peter at its head and glorious days will be in the New Jerusalem for ALL. The glory of God will be revealed to all His children, and His will will be lived in great joy by all His children.
This is the Paradise that God the Father has in store for you, but you must give your consent. Say YES to Jesus, His Holy Son, and great will be the joy in your heart.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not love Me does not come with Me.
Whoever does not give Me his YES, excludes himself.
But whoever comes into My arms, I take him with Me.
Whoever confesses Me will attain Paradise. I love you, each one of you.
Your Jesus.
"My children, come here and give your YES to Jesus. Only in this way will you have a chance, only in this way will the devil pass you by. For Mary, Our glorious Virgin, Mother of all God's children, will crush his head, the evil one of the evil ones, and keep each one of you safe under her mantle of protection. So give your YES to Jesus and enter also you into the New Paradise." Padre Pio Our Lady: Yes, My child. It is Padre Pio.
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