Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Saturday, May 18, 2013

The devil holds out to you a bottomless pit, a vessel that can never be filled.

- Message No. 143 -


My child. My dear child. What I want to tell the world and all Our children today is of great importance and very valuable for your salvation: as long as you do not turn away from the consumer society, your soul will not be at rest. Too much consumption has always been unhealthy for the children of God, because you always want to have more, you are sad when you cannot afford some things. Envy arises, some begin to steal, and already you have fallen into the trap of the devil.

Turn away from too much consumption. Buy what you need and don't look at what is superfluous. It doesn't matter if your neighbor is in a glass palace with ostentatious items and you have only a house of stone and little ostentation and value according to your ideas today. What is important is living with Us. What is important are the heavenly treasures. Earthly things pass away, but Heaven with God the Father and His Most Holy Son remains.

No one is lost, and no one loses anything if he lives with Us and accumulates treasures in his heart and soul. On the other hand, everything of earthly value is lost. No one will be fulfilled by the accumulation of earthly "uselessness" which you, My beloved children, consider to be of earthly value and which so many of you - far too many of you - chase after all your lives.

Wake up and realize that all this comes only from the devil. With "nice" things he ensnares you so that you fall into his trap, and once you have stepped in, he pulls you deeper and deeper into his maelstrom of seductions, and your heart becomes greedier and greedier, your eyes lustful with wonder at all the luxuries and fun the devil holds out to you, and without really noticing it you want more and more and more, because all this does not make you happy or satisfied. It is only a short-lived state of joy and happiness, a "thrill" that quickly fades away, because the devil is holding out to you a bottomless pit, a vessel that can never be filled and thus you will never experience true fulfillment. Satan is tightening the devil's circle around you, so he encourages your greed, and from greed comes much evil.

So turn away from earthly consumer goods, which the devil holds out to you as "lure", and turn to Jesus, your Jesus. With Him you will experience the heavenly riches. You will know the glories of God and will have filled hearts full of happiness, joy and love. A fulfillment that never fades away, a fulfillment that evokes love for all that God created.

Whoever continues to be blinded will never experience true happiness, whoever does not repent and confess God the Father and My Son will not attain the Kingdom of Heaven. What is gold, what is silver, diamonds and other precious stones against the fulfillment of your heart that makes you happy? Only with God the Father will you find the fulfillment that you ALL seek. Only with HIM will you be able to be as you are. If you have to pretend in front of other people, you should think about why this is so.

No one who has found Jesus, your way to God the Most High, will have to pretend in front of his fellow men, because with HIM and His faithful followers you may be as you are: without mask, without money, without fat car, without precious jewelry, without pretense. Only you, pure of heart with your desires, longings and needs - which you will overcome only if you find your way to God the Father - which will turn into fulfillment as soon as you have given Jesus your real, honest YES. So be it.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children.

Come, My children, come. Make your way to My Son. He who died for you awaits you with open arms. He, who loves you so much, takes you on the wonderful journey to God the Father and to Eternal Life in the newly created Paradise.

Come, My children, come.

Your loving Mother in Heaven.

Source: ➥