Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, May 20, 2013
Rejoice, for the Holy Spirit is among you!
- Message No. 145 -

- Pentecost Monday I Good morning, My children. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to tell you all how happy I am, because today is a special day.
Rejoice, for the Holy Spirit is among you! Rejoice, for today many children of God who are going astray will learn the truth. Rejoice, for thousands of children will find their way back to their Creator today! Believe and trust! The fruits will soon be harvested and you, My beloved children, will witness this transformation by the Holy Spirit in so many souls.
My children, a beautiful time has dawned. 2000 years ago, My Son sent down the Holy Spirit on earth for His children. Today, after more than 2000 years, the Holy Spirit is active among you, enlightening the children who live in darkness. He is omnipresent and the children of God of you who have given your YES to My Son and have centered your lives on Us, living with Us, to them HE has become a joyful companion.
Today, after such a long time, HE is "working" more intensely and with great commitment in the souls of the children who are totally lost, caught in the darkness of Satan, without hope of turning back to the arms of God the Father. Your prayers, My dear faithful children, make this wonderful "work" of the Holy Spirit possible. Where there is prayer, there is answer. And where prayed, God sends out His Holy Servants and sends help in the form of miracles, graces and other riches that are Heavenly to save His lost children and bring them to the right path.
My children. Thank you, for your fidelity to Us, to My Son. The graces of Heaven are flowing down upon you and your loved ones, and the Holy Spirit is among you, enlightening especially the children of God who are still far from the Divine Way and My Son.
So continue to pray so fervently, so full of devotion and in the intentions of My Son. Then, My beloved children, God the Father through Jesus and His Holy Spirit will be able to save many more children and pour His graces on them and you and make His miracles happen to you and around you.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
"Rejoice, oh rejoice, little children. The Holy Spirit is sent forth. Many souls He will touch, many will be saved.
Rejoice , oh rejoice, for so it shall come to pass. Your prayer is the way to glory, for you and all God's children." An angel with a trumpet.
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