Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Believe in Jesus, and pray for all His enemies.
- Message No. 84 -

My child. My dear child. It is very important that you continue to write for Us, so We, My Son and I, can reach and save many more souls.
My children. It is very important that you pray for the false head in the Vatican. Although he was not chosen by My Son, he is a son of God, a child of God who is going astray and wants to bring you to ruin. His "client" is the devil himself, but My Holy Son, Jesus Christ, desires that this soul also be prayed for.
The extent of the good that all your prayers will accomplish is not yet apparent to you, My beloved children, today, but in time you will notice the good that will help many souls to find their way back to My Son and the true Catholic Church, His Holy Body here on earth.
My children, even if you do not understand (at this time), pray for all the heads of the Catholic Church. Pray for your politicians and always ask for the clarity of the Holy Spirit. Soon, very soon, you will recognize the "stumbling blocks" of evil, which will become more and more, and through all the contradictions and distractions, even the last of Our confused children will have their "eyes and ears", their hearts opened, and they will all come back to My Son. The false prophet will then no longer have any power over them, and the triumph of My Son will take hold even where you would never have suspected him.
My children. Believe in Jesus. Pray for all His enemies and always have courage to defend His Holy Word. We will help you. Ask us especially in weak moments: Prayer No.13: - Prayer for strength and personal change.
Lord, give me the strength I need to defend You always.
Lord, help me to feel love even for my worst enemy.
Lord, make me strong in the struggle for souls, that I may always have the strength to pray in Your intentions.
Lord, forgive me also when I sin.
Yours I will be, now and forever.
My beloved children. Pray this prayer daily, and it will bring about much change.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child, for writing for Us. I love you. Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥