Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, April 1, 2013
Pray in these intentions and you bring great joy to Our hearts.
- Message No. 83 -

My child. We are both with you. Your Saint Joseph and your Mother in Heaven. All day We have been wanting to speak with you. I, Joseph, since last night.
My child. It is very important that you pray for the false occupant of the throne in Rome. Prayer averts many things. Regardless of what has been foretold to you, by praying for this lost soul, you can bring about much good for the world.
You, My child, saw how "poor" this soul is. You saw the false hopes, the expectations so great, like a little child asking his parents for something.
His soul is so lost. You saw and felt the sadness of Our Son, Jesus Christ, who mourns and hopes for all His lost children in deep love. Hope that this "blackened" soul will also turn around and find HIM.
Your vision was real in the first as in the second part. Jesus loves every sinner, because HE sees further than only the now. He sees how the soul hopes, and He sees what suffering the soul experiences when it puts all its hope "on the wrong horse".
Therefore, dear brothers and sisters in Jesus, pray for all the lost children, especially for the greatest sinners among you! Pray for the poor soul of the false Pope, not chosen by Jesus, who places his hopes in Satan instead of running into the arms of Jesus. Pray, My children, for all those who cannot see the light of My Son, so that their souls may also be saved. This is what Jesus, Our Son, desires, because His love is immeasurable and His hope is great that even the most hardened sinner will find his way to HIM.
My child. We love all Our children, but now We must fight for those who seem to be lost. Your prayer is the power for this. The more you pray, the more souls will be saved. Time is running out.
There is not much time left, for soon your days on earth will be numbered, and until then many more souls must confess My Son.
My child. We call all Our children to united prayer for Pope Francesco and his followers, so that much harm may be kept from the world and many of you may be converted to My Son.
Furthermore, we call for prayer for all the confused souls. Among them are many believers who do not recognize the truth in the present times.
My children. Pray in these intentions and you will bring great joy to Our hearts. My Son Jesus wishes it so.
Thank you for responding to Our call.
With eternal love. Your Mother in Heaven with St. Joseph.
Source: ➥