Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 30, 2013
As you know your world, it will soon be no more.
- Message No. 81 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to Me. As you know your world, it will soon be no more. Your social systems will collapse, and instead new norms, new laws will be imposed on you. You will get many new requirements, and only those who fulfill them will be entitled to certain "social benefits". This will also include the chip "of doom", which, if you implant it, will gradually make you sick. A vegetative disease, that is, it will destroy you little by little.
Do not accept these so-called "innovations". Remain faithful to My Son, who would never impose anything on you. Anything that is not in harmony with creation cannot come from HIM. A "recognition chip" serves only to control you, moreover, it will make you sick.
Trust again in nature and its healing plants. There is so much good that God the Father has ready for you in nature. Get to know it and supply yourselves with it instead of being drawn into the "pull machine" of the devil.
Children, open your eyes. All that is happening now in renewal is not for your good! It is a cleverly contrived plan by the evil one himself to capture you through deception. Do not let him get this power over you. Always listen to your heart.
Remain faithful to Jesus. He will save you from all the evil, and with HIM you will finally be truly happy. Trust in Him. Always turn to Him. And on the day of great joy, He will take you to His New Paradise.
My children, I love you. Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥