Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Not one of Our children shall be frightened.
- Message No. 85 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you for coming. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to tell you the following for all Our children: Do not worry about all that is happening now in your world, but trust even more deeply in My Son. HE, who is the only begotten Son of the Almighty, will free you from the snares of the devil and his "elite group". This will happen shortly after the Antichrist, the root of evil, has presented himself as the "Messiah"
Remember at all times that everything that has been foretold can be mitigated by the prayer of all of you. Trust in the power of prayer and trust in My Son! Know about the evil plans of the elite group and surrender yourselves completely to My Son. Whoever does this, whoever is firmly anchored in Jesus Christ, nothing evil will happen to him. Believe, My children, believe, pray and trust. The reign of My Son is near. Hold out a little longer. Your bravery and faith will be rewarded, for it will be you whom My Son will take to the New Paradise, the New Jerusalem, which was created for each one of you to live there in perfection and peace forever.
My children, rejoice! Hold on and rejoice! What My Son has in store for you is so beautiful that not a single one of you can imagine it! Do not worry about the now. Stay awake and attentive and concentrate completely on My so beloved Son. He will be there for you, no matter in which (emergency) situation you are, and He will take care of you.
My children. Believe, because that is how it will be.
I love you all. I carry each one of you in My Mother's heart.
Eternally united. Your Mother in Heaven.
My child. Make this known. Not one of Our children shall be anxious about what is to come. God the Father is bringing down His hand of justice before the situation escalates on your earth. Nevertheless, be vigilant and watch for the signs.
Pray, My children, as often as your time permits and live! Always be connected to My Son, because then you can accept everything in love for the rest of the days. Some of you will even be able to enjoy these days that are numbered, so much do they trust in My Son that they fear nothing.
My children, this is how it should be. Become so strong that the enemy will not be able to harm you despite the damage he inflicts. Then, My beloved children, you have truly arrived at My Son, your Jesus.
I love you. Your Mother in Heaven. Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥