Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Apparition of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace with Saint Gerard Majella to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in the Chapel of Apparitions - Jacareí - SP - Brazil
Only My Rosary can save humanity!

(Marcos): "Yes, my Queen, I will... Although I am not yet totally well, totally healed, this week I did one more.
I will do as many as the Lady wants!"
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"My children, today, as you celebrate here the Feast of my 'Yes,' the yes with which I brought the Savior, I invite all of you to give your 'yes' to the Lord as well, so that you may be My true children and My true offspring.
Only the total and complete 'yes' of your hearts to God can stop not only this war, but Satan's plans, hasten My Triumph, and achieve Mercy for the whole earth.
So give God your complete 'yes', surrender your lives to His service, and then, the Lord's plan will be fulfilled and the world will be transformed. The Heart of my Son Jesus will triumph with My Heart and the Heart of Joseph, and the Earth will be the Kingdom of True Love, the Kingdom of the Lord.
Now, when the danger of war hangs over the whole world and Satan is truly using all his power to incite men to war that can end the whole human race, I beg you: triple your prayers! So that you will truly help Me to save humanity which, because it has not listened to My voice, still today suffers from war, famine, and persecution of the good.
Only My Rosary can save mankind! If you hear My messages and obey them, then a miracle may yet happen that will save the world from war and complete extinction.
Pray, therefore, and spread the prayer of My Rosary to all My children!
Pray all the Rosaries that I have given and asked of you here.
Pray the Rosary of the Sacred Heart at least on Wednesdays and Fridays, imploring peace for the whole world.
Convert yourselves, and every day make the effort to overcome and remove a defect from yourselves, so that you will reach sanctity.
The earth is in danger! Now pray and fast even more intensely. And above all, offer your daily sufferings as penance and atonement for the sins of the world in order to obtain mercy.
Read chapter 10 of the Second Volume of My Life (Mystical City of God Book), so that there you can know what I want from you.
Read the messages of the month of May 2020, meditate on them, and put them into practice.
To all of you together with my son Geraldo, I now bless all of you: from Pontmain, from Lourdes, and from Jacarei."
"As I have already said, wherever one of these objects arrives there I will be alive with my son Geraldo and my daughter Hildegarda, carrying great graces from the Lord.
To all again I bless you so that you may be happy and I leave My peace!
Peace to you, My son Marcos. Because of the meditated Rosary No. 221 that you did for Me and Rosary No. 119 I give you 795 blessings today.
For my children who are here I now give 788 blessings.
And for your father Carlos Thaddeus, for whom you have offered them all day long, I now give 1,324,000 (one million, three hundred and twenty-four thousand) special blessings.
Peace, My beloved son, go in the peace of the Lord!"
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the radio Messenger of Peace
Seven Rosaries given by Our Lady in Jacarei
Rosary of the Sacred Hearth of Jesus