Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Apparition of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in the Chapel of Apparitions - Jacareí - SP - Brazil
Live the Message of Fatima!

(Marcos): "Yes, my Queen, I will... Yes...
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
Dear children, today I call you again to lift your hearts to God through prayer. In these times when humanity has fallen as low as possible, only a great force of prayer can lift it up and make it return again to that first dignity with which God created it.
Yes, when the human being abandons prayer, he turns away from God, loses his dignity as a child of God, falls as low as possible and becomes a slave of Satan. When the human being returns to God through prayer, he regains his dignity, his beauty as a child of God, and becomes supremely beautiful and pleasing in God's eyes. Therefore, return to the Lord through prayer.
Live the Message of Fatima, because until today, even after 100 years, My Message of Fatima is not known, is not practiced, and is not made known to My children.
Russia has not been converted, because the Message of Fatima has not been made known, has not been obeyed, and so she has not only spread her errors throughout the world, but she has also promoted wars and is promoting this war against My children. Only the Rosary can convert the whole world and make all nations return to God.
I wish you to meditate on the messages I gave here in the month of June 2016. Live these messages in your hearts and spread these messages to My children all over the world.
Pray the Meditated Rosary No. 109 three days in a row, and give Rosary 109 to six of My children who do not know it, to pray it and live the messages therein.
My son Marcos, you have offered to Me all day today the merits of the Meditated Rosary 35, and also of Meditated Rosary 73 . You have offered for your father, Carlos Thaddeus, and for all who are here. Well, I pour over him now 1,708,000 (one million, seven hundred and eight thousand) blessings. And over My children who are here, I now pour 933,000 blessings that they will receive today and also on October 7th of this year, again.
In this way, I pour over My children the streams of My Maternal love and the graces that the golden coins of their good deeds give before the Lord to Me, the possibility to pour them over My children.
Yes, My son, keep on doing good works, so that I can pour them over all My children in abundance, and thus make them rich in the graces and treasures of Heaven.
You have also offered for your father, for all who are here today, with fervor, the merits of the film of My Tears #03. Well, upon him, upon your father, I now pour out another 1,402,000 (one million, four hundred and two thousand) blessings. And on those of you who are here, another 958,000 blessings that you will receive today and also on Holy Saturday.
I bless you all again with love: from Fatima, from Pontmain and from Jacareí.
Onward, My son! Thanks to your yes, two chastisements that should have fallen on the world this month have been averted. Your yes, the yes that you gave Me 31 years ago and keep faithful, removes the punishments that the world deserves for its sins. Thanks to your yes, a new grace will soon be given to Brazil.
Peace! I love you all and I am close to you all. Onward, Marcos, My Ray of Light! Keep producing good works so that then, your gold coins will be converted into great graces of forgiveness, mercy and blessing for the whole world.
Our Lady after touching the religious objects presented to them by the seer Marcos Thaddeus:
As I have already said, wherever one of these images, medals arrive, I will be alive there realizing great graces from the Lord. Also blessing with Me will be My sons: Paulo da Cruz and Gabriel das Dores. All of you I bless with love again so that you may be happy, and I leave you My peace.
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the radio Messenger of Peace