Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 4, 2020
I am Love, I am the Mother of Love!

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!
Yes, I did, Mama.
I hope the Lady was pleased".
"Yes, I will."
(Mary Most Holy): "My children, my apostles! It is time to fight even more intensely against Satan. He is strong and wants to destroy my plans for the salvation of humanity, he wants to destroy you, he wants to destroy also this place that is so precious and dear to me.
Fight Satan with more prayers, because there are many people of ill will, who not only do not want to help me save the world, but also want to destroy my apparitions, my seers and my plans of love.
So pray! Pray the Rosary even more intensely!
Pray the Rosary 10 times Meditated Rosary No. 230 for my plans, for my seers, especially for my son Marcos Tadeu. So that then, the Heart of my son Jesus may pour out on him, on this place too, his grace, to give him strength to go forward with the plans of salvation of my Immaculate Heart.
Without him my triumph cannot happen, without this place my heart cannot triumph. Therefore, pray this Rosary meditated by my son Marcos, for this place, for this shrine of mine and for my plans of salvation. So that everything Satan always wants to do through the souls of ill will, who neither love me, nor love my son Marcos, nor this place, everything he intends will fall to the ground and be annihilated and crushed by my immaculate foot and also by the grace of my son Jesus' heart.
Give also to my children 08 Meditated Rosaries nº 254, so that they can pray it and thus receive the grace of my Immaculate Heart and know the urgent messages recorded there by my little son Marcos, which I wish them to know so that they can love me more and sanctify themselves.
Go forth, my apostles, my soldiers, fight! Despite the difficulties they go through the houses praying the Rosary with one person or another. Do not stop giving my children my messages and doing everything possible for the conversion of souls.
I also ask my children to give two films of my Apparition in Castelpetroso, ( Voices from Heaven #26) because many of my children do not yet know my Apparition in that place and do not know how much I am still the Mother of Sorrows because of the sins of the world.
And give 02 films Lourdes nº 07 to my children so that they know how much I love my children, how much I am the Mother of Mercy and how much I want to love, heal, help and take them to Heaven.
So my children will understand how much love I have for them and that I came to the world in Lourdes and also here, to heal the world and to heal the life of my children destroyed and ruined by sin.
To all I ask: Continue praying my Rosary every day, the Rosary of Tears and the Rosary of Peace.
I am Love, I am the Mother of Love!
To everyone I bless: Lourdes, Pellevoisin and Jacareí".