Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
My Sacred Heart will triumph over my Mother's Rosary

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"Dear children, dear souls of my Sacred Heart, today, on the monthly anniversary of my Apparition with my Mother here in this city, I come once again to tell you: My Sacred Heart will triumph for my Mother's Rosary!
Yes, through this prayer that the proud and the proud despise, but that the humble and the elect love and pray fervently, my Sacred Heart will destroy and annihilate all evil in humanity.
My Sacred Heart will triumph through the Rosary of my Mother and through it, the Rosary, I will annihilate and banish all the darkness that Satan has spread in the world: of violence, apostasy and evil and I will make the radiant light of my grace, my holiness, my glory and my love shine and I will make new times of grace, holiness and love for me come to the whole earth.
My Sacred Heart will triumph for my Mother's Rosary and her victory at Lepanto was the sign that my Sacred Heart gave to all of you. An undeniable sign that my Mother's Rosary has all the power to crush all the evil that exists in the world and where my Mother's Rosary is prayed with perseverance and love, there, she and I perform wonders of grace for the salvation of souls throughout the world.
My Sacred Heart will triumph for my Mother's Rosary and this will be the supreme humiliation of Satan. He who by such exquisite and grandiose means worked intensely to lead so many and so many souls with him to eternal perdition, will be overcome by a prayer that everyone considers simple and repetitive, but which contains the mysteries of redemption, which contains the merits of my Sacred Heart and the merits of my Most Holy Mother.
And for this reason it has so much value and power before my Father. And then, by the merits of my sorrow, my Mother's sorrow, our obedience and love for the Father, the enemy will be definitively defeated and crushed, by that prayer in which you invoke the grace, mercy, forgiveness and love of the Father for the merits of my Mother and for my merits contained in the mysteries of my life and my Mother's life in the Most Holy Rosary.
Then my Sacred Heart will triumph and bring definitive peace to the whole world. So pray my Mother's Rosary more and more, because the more Rosaries you pray, the faster and more powerfully we will act to bring you and the whole world to the complete triumph of our two United Hearts.
Yes, this is the Shrine of my Mother's Rosary!
Here, where my little son Marcos has already made 350 different meditated Rosaries for my Mother and me, my Sacred Heart and my Mother's Heart shower unlimited grace.
Only those souls who do not want to drink from this inexhaustible fountain of grace that flows from my Heart and the Heart of my Mother will be lost in the meditated Rosaries engraved by my little son Marcos.
Yes, he worked hard to make so many meditated Rosaries for me and my Mother for us. And that is why he is the comfort and hope of our Hearts.
Yes, happy of whoever prays these meditated Rosaries engraved by him, because he will not lose faith, will not fall into apostasy, will escape the mortal trap of the enemy of these last times and will certainly reach the eternal glory where I, together with my Mother will crown him with the crown of eternal life.
To all I bless with love now: from Dozulé, from Paray-Le-Monial and from Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy): "My children, I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! Today, on the monthly anniversary of my apparitions here, with my son Jesus and all Heaven, I come again to say:
I am also the Lady of the Rosary! My Immaculate Heart will triumph through my Rosary and blessed is the man who prays and loves my Rosary.
Blessed is the man who prays my Rosary every day, because he will be called my true son and brother of my only begotten son Jesus.
Blessed is the man who prays my Rosary every day, because I will protect him and help him at the moment of his death with all the graces necessary for his salvation.
Blessed is the man who prays my Rosary every day, because I will deliver him from all the snares of Satan, he will not fall into sin easily and even if he falls I will quickly lift him up and lead him back down the road of grace and salvation.
Blessed is the man who prays my Rosary every day, because he will not be plagued by either spiritual or temporal misery.
Blessed is the man who prays my Rosary every day, because I will write his name on my Immaculate Heart.
Blessed is the man who prays my Rosary every day, because he will not know the fire of Hell or the fire of Purgatory.
Blessed is the man who prays my Rosary every day, because he will be loved by the Heavenly Father and will truly be my dear and beloved son whom I will defend and protect at every moment of his life.
Blessed is the man who prays my Rosary every day, because he will not be contaminated and contagious by the mortal disease of apostasy, which in those bad times has already caused so many to lose faith in the holiest and most beloved truths of my son's Heart and of my Heart.
Yes, in those times of apostasy when all humanity languishes and sinks in lack of faith, here where my little son Marcos recorded more than 350 different meditated Rosaries for me, my Immaculate Heart keeps the flame of true faith and true love for God and for me and the souls that here docilely let themselves be taught, guided, led by me and my little son Marcos, live in the light and are truly servants and children of the light.
Yes, here my Immaculate Heart will triumph over the meditated Rosaries of my little son Marcos who is my only hope, my consoler and the last, the last hope of my Heart.
Forward, my little son! Forward making more meditated Rosaries for me, to fight the darkness and make the light shine.
Yes, the end of the time of the great tribulation approaches and with it the beginning of the great punishments. There is no more time! Almost everything is already lost. Faith is almost gone in our hearts.
And now it is necessary once and for all for each one to decide for Heaven or Hell, for salvation or perdition. And let each one run to work for his own sanctification while there is still a little time left, because soon the day will end and no one will be able to work for himself, for his own sanctification and that of his neighbor.
Forward! Forward, my children, praying my meditated Rosaries everywhere and at all times. Move away and leave once and for all worldly things and your plans, because from one hour to the next everything will change and those who are attached to earthly things that are fleeting, will see with horror that they have thrown away the only chance, the only opportunity given by God for their salvation.
Sanitize the time, sanctify your souls!
Pray my Rosary every day!
To all who come here on the 7th of every month, as I promised in 1993, I will give great thanks from my Heart.
Go! Pray for 4 days in a row the Meditated Rosary 194 and give this Rosary to 4 of my children who do not know it so that they can meditate on the messages recorded in it and learn as soon as possible the true love for God and for me.
I bless you all with love now: from Lourdes, Pontmain, Fatima and Jacareí".