Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
I came from Heaven here to relive my message from Liche

(Marcos Tadeu) Yes, I will...
Yes, Mama, I will.
Yes, Mama, I will."
(Mary Most Holy): "My children, I am the Sorrowful Mother of all men. Thus I appeared at Lichen, to call all my children to conversion, to prayer and to return to the Lord, who is the only means for the world to obtain salvation and divine peace.
Until men return to God, the punishments deserved for their sins: wars, epidemics, discord, diabolical ideologies completely opposed to Christianity, to the teachings of my son, such as communism and so many others will continue to happen.
And the good, the just, will continue to suffer because of the sins of the bad. And I, as Mother of all men, will continue to suffer for the terrible destiny that awaits this humanity far from God.
To change all this and to prevent the misfortune of total perdition of youth, childhood, families, my children, Christianity, I came from Heaven to relive my message from Liche: Prayer, penance, meditation on the Passion of my son Jesus, return to God and total abandonment of worldly things, to finally live a holy life.
This is my message from Liche! This is my message from Jacarei! As long as men do not live these messages they will never have peace, because peace is loving God above all things and doing his holy will.
The first commandment is peace. Where it is lived, where it is obeyed, peace reigns. Where it is neither lived nor obeyed, there is no peace.
Therefore, my children, live the first Commandment: Love God above all things with all your heart, understanding, with all your strength and then truly you will have peace and the world will have peace.
May parents educate their children to God and then Brazil will have heroic and great saints who with their lives full of love for God will transform this land devastated by my enemy into a land of grace, holiness, love for God from where a great light will shine for the whole world.
Pray my Rosary every day! Through it I will save my families, the families I love so much. Through him I will save my youth, my children and also my vocations and I will truly make them holy vocations that will give the world a shining example of love for God and holiness.
He who prays the Rosary will not be condemned to the fire of Hell and I will help him at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for his salvation.
Spread my Appearance in Liche by spreading the wonderful film that my son Marcos made, because wherever this film arrives, Satan will be defeated and souls will feel the need to love me, console me and make my heart free with a holy life of prayer, love for God and love for me.
I bless you all with love and especially you, my little son Marcos. This week you meditated for a few moments on how much I suffered for the salvation of all humanity, how much I suffered for the salvation of all men, giving not only my son Jesus to the death of the cross to die for all, but me too! Offering myself as a victim united with him for the salvation of all humanity.
Then you cried and embraced my image shedding true tears of love for me and kissing my feet.
Yes, at that moment many swords of pain came out of my heart because truly my feet were bathed in tears of the most pure love, of the most pure gratitude and of true recognition for all that I have suffered for the salvation of humanity.
Yes, you kissed my feet crying as the sinner did my son Jesus and saying, 'Thank you for all that you have suffered for me, my runner.
There, at that moment, I was extremely consoled because I could finally feel and find a truly pure love and a truly sincere gratitude for me, as I seldom found on the face of the earth.
Yes, at that moment, my son, you dried millions of tears that my ungrateful children make fall from my eyes. You pulled out millions of thorns that my ungrateful children pierce in my heart for their lack of love, gratitude, obedience, and affection for me.
That is why I love you so much, because in you I have always found pure love, sincere gratitude and a true feeling of filial love for me.
That's why I favor you so much! That is why I have entrusted you with such great missions as making my apparitions forgotten, buried in oblivion, known to all my children and announcing to the world all my messages of love, because in you I have found true pure love for my apparitions, for my heart and for my maternal pains.
Therefore, all that you always ask of me for my pains and tears I will grant you, little son, because you truly love my pains, you are grateful for my pains and tears that I shed for all humanity on Calvary and also for you.
And today, because of that act of sincere love you gave to me, I give you 989 thanks and for your father Carlos Thaddeus, for whom you prayed all day today, I shed and now give 59,712 graces that he will receive throughout his life and especially on the first Wednesdays of each month.
So I reward your love so pure for me, benefiting the one you love most on earth and for whom you are always willing to give your life.
I, your Mother, also give you 428 graces today because of the merits of this film of Liche that you made for me and about your father, Carlos Thaddeus, I now shed 59,188 graces that he will receive throughout his life and especially on the anniversary of my apparition in Liche every year.
And for my children here, because of the Liche film that you made for me, I now give 12 special blessings from my heart.
Peace! Go, my children, spread my Appearances in Liche as soon as possible! Forward, soldiers of my heart!
Satan is strong and wants to destroy my plans, my apparitions, my shrines, to reign over the whole earth. Stop him with the Rosary, with the spreading of my Apparitions. There is no apostolate, no work, more full of merit in the eyes of God and in my eyes than this.
Go! Go and bring all my children to my light, be my apostles and do not disappoint my Heart.
Renounce your will and consecrate your life to be my apostles of love, who go to the whole world bringing the light, this great light that are the movies, Rosaries, hours of prayer, that my little son Marcos did with such perfection and beauty.
He has already given you the light. Go, take and give to others this light.
To all I bless: from Lichen, from Lourdes and from Jacareí".