Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Pray, look at the Saints, meditate on their lives and imitate the examples of Love for God, for Me and for the souls they have left for you

Dear children, today I invite all of you to continue on the path of Holiness. I have given you great Graces and Miracles, I have saved you and also the Nation from you. And in return, I wish you Holiness and true Love for God.
Pray, look at the Saints, meditate on their lives and imitate the examples of Love for God, for Me and for the souls they left for you.
Renounce your own will, for it is the greatest enemy of your holiness.
If you do this, you will grow and progress quickly in holiness and in the perfection of all the virtues.
Continue praying My Rosary every day and do not stop praying it for an instant, because My enemy, though trampled on by My Immaculate Foot, has not yet been definitively chained in Hell. For this reason, at any moment he can return to attack Brazil and the world again. Only a great force of Rosaries and many prayers can stop him and neutralize him.
So, keep praying My Rosary every day, doing the Cercos of Jericho, Cenacles everywhere. And above all, offering your 'YES' to God and to Me, so that through your life, your prayers, your sacrifices we can save many souls and make everything Satan wants to do, without effect. I can annihilate Satan.
I thank all who throughout all the years have obeyed My Messages, prayed the Rosary, prayed for the salvation of Brazil.
Now you see the true miracle that my Immaculate Heart is doing and will do even more in this Land of the Holy Cross.
I thank you, also especially my beloved Marcos, reparatory soul, expiatory soul, victim of my Immaculate Heart.
27 years ago you accepted the cross of suffering, of persecution, of many illnesses, slanders, misunderstandings to suffer for the salvation of the Brazilian people, to suffer for the salvation of humanity.
You suffered the heavy labors and sufferings to atone for the sins they committed against God.
Your sacrifice, your life offered on the altar of my Immaculate Heart as a sacrifice pleasing to the Lord, drew Mercy from the Father to the Brazilian Nation.
And now, truly, My Heart is beginning to save this earth, it is already beginning to crush and annihilate the diabolical empire of Satan.
Cheer your heart My son! Because truly you have succeeded with the Meditated Rosaries, with the Hours of Prayer, with the Films of my Apparitions, with the Throne of the Sacred Heart of my Son. With your life totally dedicated to Me year after year, day after day in the most obedient and ardent service of Love, you truly achieved the salvation of the Land of the Holy Cross.
Rejoice in this! Rejoice for this! And keep praying, because much more wonderful things, much more graces await this land so loved by Me, but so insidiously by My enemy.
This land so loved by Me will receive even more Graces and wonderful Blessings!
Pray! Pray! And may all who are still in darkness: from the errors of communism, socialism, atheism, come to the Light.
And so, the Salvation of the Lord that I have come to bring to Jacari also come to all of them. And so, the whole Land of the Holy Cross, the whole of Brazil, may truly become the Garden: of Grace, of Beauty and of the Holiness of my Immaculate Heart!
To all I bless with Love and say: Pray! Pray! Pray without ceasing! For many wonders my Heart is preparing for you, for your Nation!
I bless you all with Love now from FATIMA, from HEEDE and from JACAREÍ".
(Mary Most Holy after touching and blessing the sacramentals): "As I have already said, wherever one of these images, the Rosary, arrives, there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I thank you all and especially you, my beloved little son Andrew. Thank you for coming to console Me in these three days, to praise Me, to give Me the joy, the satisfaction, the contentment of your presence here in My home.
Thank you for also coming to give me moments of joy, moments of understanding, friendship and affection for My son Marcos.
Thank you, thank you for coming to give this My Shrine also more prayer and more love.
I shower my blessings on you now! And never forget: I love you and wherever you are there, My cloak will always cover and protect you!
I also thank and bless you dear little Carlos Tadeu. Thank you for the Cenacles.
Thank you for the prayers.
Thank you for spreading My Messages.
Thank you for your Love which also goes up to Heaven as an ardent Prayer of Love and which returns to Earth as Graces of Love for so many souls in need.
Thank you to all My little children who spread the Word and to all who always pray for My intentions and for the realization of My Motherly Plans that will culminate in the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart in Brazil and in the world.
Rejoice your hearts! To you all I thank.
Rejoice! Because if there were no Jacareí there would be no more Brazil now.
Thanks to My Appearance here. Thanks to the 'YES' of my little son Marcos. Thanks to his courage in transmitting My Messages and bearing the weight of the Cross, to make them reach everyone.
Thanks to the souls who prayed and fasted I was able to save Brazil in the month of My Rosary.
Yes, 40 years after the breaking of My Image found in Rio Paraíba, I will finally begin the reconstruction of Brazil.
Just as the people of God walked 40 years in the desert to the Promised Land, the Land of Prosperity and Blessing. So, after 40 years of socialism and communism I will begin to rebuild Brazil.
Yes, My son Marcos got it right: The 40th anniversary of the reconstruction of My Image, the restoration of My Image is the year that marks the beginning of the restoration of Brazil.
Rejoice your hearts because the Mother of Heaven is in charge of everything that happens, and She will continue to guide you, surely, until the definitive Victory.
I bless you all again and leave my peace".