Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, October 12, 2018
I will save all my children, I will save Brazil and I will truly, here in this valley, establish definitively my tent, my royal dwelling with my children, where I will dispense them all good and all grace

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today you celebrate Me as the Queen and Patroness of Brazil: the LADY APARECIDA.
"Yes, I am the Immaculate Conception, the great Sign that appeared in Heaven of Brazil to give to all My children the Motherly Sign of My presence, of My Love, and of the hope that truly this Earth so loved by Me, but so insidiously in My Adversary, will at last be freed by Me from his clutches, from all his evil works. And finally Brazil will truly be the Land of the Holy Cross, the Land of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Land of Holy Mary.
I am the Immaculate Conception Aparecida in Rio Paraíba! I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! Here, in this city of Jacareí APARECIDA para o Meu Filho Marcos, to call all My children: to Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance and to finish through him and with you the Plan of Salvation that I began 300 years ago in Aparecida.
Yes, I am the terrible Woman as an Army in Battle Order, Dressed in the Sun, Beautiful as the Moon, Crowned with the Stars of the Lord's Power.
I will advance, against My Enemy, carrying behind Me and together with Me My faithful and obedient children who obey My Messages, who pray My Most Holy Rosary, which is the infallible weapon of Salvation of the world and to achieve Peace. And together we will overcome the great Infernal Dragon.
I am the Immaculate Conception Aparecida, the Queen and Messenger of Peace, who 300 years ago, in this beloved Valley of Paraíba and chosen by Me, true Land of Grace and Blessing.
I will save all my children, I will save Brazil and I will truly, here in this valley, establish definitively my tent, my royal dwelling with my children, where I will dispense them all good and all grace.
Forward my children! By the power of My Rosary I will triumph! By the power of My Rosary you will triumph!
Do not be afraid! Pray! Pray! Pray! My Victory is approaching and the Prophecy of Fatima will finally be fulfilled: 'At last my Immaculate Heart will triumph!
But we still have much to restore, because the damage that my Enemy caused in Brazil and in the world was very great, very deep and very serious.
Therefore, in this year of the 40th anniversary of the restoration of My Image of Aparecida, I invite you to join Me in restoring Brazil, to restore souls, families, youth. Doing My Cenacles everywhere, taking My Messages to all My children and doing everything to restore the Sanctifying Grace, the beauty of the Grace of souls who were destroyed by My Enemy.
The beauty of Grace in souls must be restored as My Image was restored. And this will be done by Me, together with you My soldiers, My faithful children.
So go! Everywhere, restoring souls together with Me, and making My Mother Image reflect in them again, shine in them so that all of humanity may finally see My Beautiful, Motherly, Loving, Merciful Face, Perfect, All Pure. And so, My Beauty, My Maternal Beauty crush and overcome the ugliness, the ugliness of Satan, of sin, of communism, of atheism, and of every form of evil.
So, My children, I count on you!
Go ahead! Forward in the month of My Rosary! Pray My Rosary ever more! More and more! And never diminish. Because if you diminish the evil will return.
Pray! Pray! Pray, my children! That the Truth may appear, triumph, and all may be freed and saved by the Truth.
I am with you and will never, never leave you.
I bless you all, especially you My little son Marcos. Truly, the Meditated Rosaries, Hours of Prayer, Movies and everything else you did for Me were the cause of Salvation and Liberation of Brazil in those years as you said.
Yes, it took millions of Rosaries from Brazilians to save Brazil. They did not pray. So you had to do it in their place.
How? Making the Meditated Rosaries for Me, making the Hours of Prayer, the Trezenas, the Setenas for Me, the Films for Me.
Yes, all this was accepted by the Father and by Me, as if they were Hours of Prayer prayed by you, the equivalent of 10 thousand hours of Prayer.
Those 10 thousand hours of Prayer that you offered, because your work done with Me and through Me became Mystical Prayer that rose to Heaven as a great power to save Brazil. This is the cause of the Salvation of Brazil. That's why sonny: be happy, feel happy, because, truly, your work transformed into Mystical Prayer, now you will return to Brazil in the form of many, many blessings. Many and many graces and victories from my heart.
And continue, so that evil will never, ever triumph!
And ever more, I, Lady Aparecida, your Queen, your Messenger of Peace, be known, loved, praised, blessed, imitated and obeyed by all My Brazilian children and My children throughout the world. For this is the only way to crush Satan and not allow his return.
Forward! Forward ever more with Prayer, Sacrifice and Penance!
I am the Queen of Brazil, and therefore, I will save by the power of My Rosary, My Medal of Peace, My Gray Scapular of Peace, My son Marcos' Meditated Rosaries, the Thirtieth, Seventh and Hours of Prayer, I will save Brazil and truly transform it into the Garden of Grace, Beauty and Holiness of My Immaculate Heart.
To all, I bless with Love and also to you My beloved son Carlos Tadeu, here is the Message of Day 7 for you today:
(Mary Most Holy): "Son, do not fear, I am your Mother, I am at your side and I will never abandon you.
Meditate more and more on My Messages, read, pray, run away. Run away from the noise of the world.
Run away, son, also from the advice that you must give to other people; many of these advice do not lead to anything. Dedicate your time to meditate more on My Word, to reflect, to nourish your heart and soul with the knowledge I offer in My Messages, in the Life of the Saints and also in the Meditations that I indicate to you.
Yes, you must now, My son, read the life of My Son Geraldo Majella deeply. Also, read the life of My Servant Bruno, Saint Bruno, and also, the life of My Servant Saint Dominic.
You must be like them.
You must save souls like them.
You must love Me like them.
So I say to you: Let it go. Let people counsel with My Messages and you spend more time with Me in Prayer and Meditation. I will take care of them, don't worry!
Also My son, I want to tell you:
That when My Image was found by My fishermen, they at that moment had a vision of Me. And in this vision, they saw you, right there, where My Image was found.
They saw you, they also saw My little son Marcos, they knew by Divine Revelation My Work of Salvation that would be finished here.
And so, I asked them from then on to offer all the prayers and all the Sacrifices that they did, for you. So that now you could receive great Graces with the son I gave you and fulfill the great mission of saving souls and establishing in the world the Kingdom of my Immaculate Heart.
Silvana, Philip and John fasted for you every Wednesday.
And Athanasius, later, when he was guarding My Image, fasted for you every Tuesday.
Every Tuesday they prayed, they offered for you and also for My little son Marcos. So, my son, cheer your heart, because those three blessed fishermen loved you very much, they prayed for you. And they fasted a lot, they mortified the flesh for you.
Rejoice in their afflictions, they will help you. In their trials, they will be your comfort, they will be your friends, and they will also be your Protectors.
Go to them with confidence and you will feel that you are not alone and that by your side those My humble children, who on earth were considered by no one as 'nothing' and who now in heaven occupy very bright thrones, abodes, shining mansions of glory and who have great merits before the Lord, will help you a lot.
I bless you and tell you:
Mama loves you! Mommy is feeling your prayers and she will not let you down at the right moment: the Grace, the Help, the Perpetual Help of my Love that never passes.
Thanks for coming!
Mama is very comforted by you. 279 thousand thorns came out of My Heart for your prayers and for your presence here.
Keep praying sonny, Mama is happy and content with you.
I bless you and I also bless My Slaves of Love, My children who every year, in these days, come here to praise and console Me, to bless Me and to glorify with Me the Lord.
To all these My children I embrace, bless and love, pouring out My Blessings now, of APARECIDA, of FATIMA and of JACAREI".
(Mary Most Holy after touching the Sacramentals):
"As I have already said, wherever one of these images arrives, from these Rosaries, pictures and all that you have brought, I will be there alive, carrying the great Graces of my Motherly Love and also of the Lord.
I bless this My Image that will be enthroned in My Source.
I bless this Image of the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus, who will also be the Source of so many Graces for my children in my beloved city of Ibitira and all those regions that I love so much.
On Sunday I will return with My Son Jesus and Saint Gerard to bless and touch her.
To all, once again I bless with Love and leave my peace".