Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today, the day you celebrate here the birthday of the Mother in Heaven, my birthday, I come as the Woman dressed in Ufir's Gold: the Gold of God's Love, the Gold of His Grace, of His Love, of His Mercy.
Beautiful and Beautiful as the Moon, bright as the Sun and terrible as an army in battle order, to tell all of you:
I am the sure sign of God's Victory, who was born to bring to the world the Redeemer, the Savior, and with Him the Redemption, the Salvation of the whole human race, and to establish on Earth the Kingdom of Love, of Peace, of Holiness that will transform, at last, the End Times into the Garden of Grace, Beauty, Holiness and Love that will be the perfect reflection of Heaven, where all will exist and live only to give greater honor, glory, praise and adoration to the Most Holy Trinity.
I am the sure sign of the Victory of the Lord, who was born to be the Dawn of Salvation and to bring to the whole world the announcement of Redemption, of new life in Christ, where every creature can finally find his salvation, perfect joy, endless happiness and Eternal Life that will never end and in Christ finally find true life in the Father for the Glory of the Father.
I am the terrible Sign that was born, the terrible Sign against Hell that its defeat, that its destruction is already near and imminent.
Yes, my Son Jesus on the Cross proscribed all hell, Satan and evil no longer has the last word about the human being or the universe, about history and facts.
And my Son, who truly broke the power of Hell, will finally destroy it in the glorious triumph of Our United Hearts that will soon happen. That is why I am the terrible Sign against Satan. And all My children who fight with Me and for Me, march under my Sign and bring in their souls and in their hearts also my Mother Sign.
My Enemy and the demons recognize My children and My servants and cannot stand the Sign that My children carry in their souls: the Sign of the Predestined, the Sign of the saved, the Sign of Salvation. That is why the star of the abyss with its followers persecutes My children, provokes many tribulations, trials and pains to them in order to tire them out and make them discourage. Of many, until taking their physical body life, they were the martyrs who throughout history have never lacked, but over their souls, their spirits the star of the abyss has no power, because where I print my Sign and where there is true Love for Me, true Obedience, true Faith in my Power as Mother and Queen of the Universe. Where there is true submission to me, there my Mother Sign reigns, triumphs and always overcomes the forces of evil.
Now the war between Me, the Star of Heaven and the star of the abyss will become harder and harder, and the final battle is approaching. Fire will come out of the swords of the Angels and the demons that will deglaze into decisive combat. The prize: the souls.
I, together with St. Michael, the Saints and the Angels will invest against the Great Dragon: the star of the abyss and in one blow I will hit it mortally. He will then be chained by me and St. Michael the Archangel will cast him into the abyss of Infernal darkness, where he will be chained and where he can no longer go out to harm My children. Then they will see the New Heaven, the New Earth that will take the place of this old Heaven and this old Earth. All evil, all evil, all injustice and all sin will disappear like the mist that falls over the sunlight. And as one wakes up from a dream a dream, from a nightmare you will see, my children, this old world with all its evils and evils disappear. And you will see before you the New World of Love, Happiness and Peace!
But you must persevere, you must fight. Now it is necessary to show and keep the Faith in the last fights that are coming. Satan will make many leave the service of the Lord and many will fall. So that they will not be of the number of those unfortunate ones, who will let themselves be carried away by the deceived cultivate in their hearts a solid trust in Me, a solid Love for my Rosary, a solid Love for my messages meditating on them and feeding them to your souls every day. Watching and praying always, living a life of true prayer, intimacy and union with me. Dying to your own will, to yourself and the will of you. So that always at all times the Plan of God is fulfilled and not your Plan. Thus, you will stand firm in my Love and then my Heart will be able to keep you in the fold, in the safe haven of my Love where the enemy will not be able to enter and will not be able to snatch you away from me. Wield the weapons of my soldiers, the weapons of prayer, of Love, of Faith, of charity, of vigilance. And, above all, the iron will, the unshakeable value and heroic courage to truly resist, fight evil. To conquer and free the souls of My children from the prisons without walls of Satan and to lead them all to the refuge of My Immaculate Heart.
Now is not the time to think about worldly pleasures, fun and what you want. Whoever put his hand to the plough does not look back, whoever left Sodom does not look at her like the woman of Lot or perish like her. Whoever put his hand on the plough look only at the High, look only at me, look only at my Son. And don't stop plowing the Earth and sowing the seeds of Love, of Faith, of Conversion, doing the Prayer Groups and the Cenacles that I asked for everywhere.
It's time to fight my brave warriors! Even, shaken, even hit by the blows that Satan strikes against you every day. March! I am the Strength of you! I Am the Light! And I Am, myself, I am and will be your Inheritance and your Premio. Forward! Never retreat! Always Forward! Always forward! Always trying to get the stones, the gravels, also the roots of the trees, the old trunks. Prepare the Earth, sow the Good Seed so that the Vine of the Lord can grow, give much Fruit. For He is the gate and that Lord who demands grapes even from where He has not sown and even from the land He has not bought. He will not forgive you if you have not given the Fruit of Holiness that He expects from each one of you.
Sow, my children, and plant, even if you shed tears, for those who plant in tears will reap with joy.
Forward! Now you must multiply the Cenacles, you must also do them on the 22nd and 27th of each month. I will be with you, my children, in these Cenacles and I will touch your hearts. You must only pray, you must only show my messages transformed in these wonderful videos that my son Marcos and also my favorite children who help him do for me, the rest is with me.
Go! Spread My transformed messages in these wonderful videos. All my Hope is in these video messages.
More than that my son Marcos can't do and I don't expect it either. It is my last onslaught, it is my last offensive to save the souls of My children.
Don't give up! Do not give up! Because truly through these My messages I will make my Immaculate Heart triumph in many of My children who are spiritually dead and I will make them revive and become new creatures in the Lord.
To all of you who love me, who fight and work for me. To my little son Marcos, my most obedient servant, who never betrayed the Promises he made the night I came down from Heaven, faster than thought, to help him, to save him, to free him from that great despair he was in.
Yes, I was there, in the rain, beside you my son and before you finished that prayer, I went to your mother, I healed her for you.
Yes. How to resist a child so small, so flimsy, so weak all drenched with rain, crying and asking me with my little hands laid out, looking up to heaven, begging me for help. Ah! My Heart at that moment melted for you.
Yes! My Heart melted and burning in Flames of Love for you I immediately removed that cross from your shoulders. I transformed your tears into smiles of joy and the Grace I gave you was so powerful that it never came back to make you and your mother suffer. That day I showed you all my Love. I proved to you that I am Love. The Love that never passes, the Love that will never leave you. So fear nothing, never. I am with you. The more you suffer the more I will love you. I love the souls who accept suffering to save the other souls. I love those who suffer for the conversion of sinners. I like very much those who suffer for the salvation of the brothers. And I love very much those who suffer with so much Love, with so much affection for the Father himself given to me. I cannot resist his love. That's why, when you feel pains at night in your head, I'm there very close to you to help you suffer and die each day a little mystically. So that many souls may live, I can relive the True Life in God. And just as I was with my Son on the Cross until the end, I am also there with you, even if you don't see me, even if you don't listen to me. I am there to help you suffer and to offer your sacrifice united to My Sorrows and Tears to the Father for so many souls of My children in need. There, my Son, you show me the greatest love. There, you give me the greatest service, the greatest obedience, the greatest honor, the greatest glory I can receive from a My child. The Love transformed into suffering, the true Red Mystical Rose that ascends to Heaven with Me and comes back from Heaven in the form of an abundant shower of Conversions and Graces on so many souls in need.
Yes. There, you are Love, there, you are everything! Fear not! I will always be with you! To you and to my beloved and most beloved son Carlos Thaddeus who today once again gave me the greatest praise, the greatest act of love, of praise, of gratitude, of obedience, of faithfulness, of affection, of public witness, of love for me in his city making my Feast.
To this most beloved son of mine who serves me with so much love, with so much affection I bless and say:
My son, know that at the moment of my birth, when I was about to leave the womb of my Mother Saint Anne, I also prayed for you in a special way.
In a mystical vision I knew your soul, I knew in the future the loving and dedicated servant that you would be for me.
I have known in part the Lord's plans and designs on you, how you would be united to a privileged soul of mine, to an Angel much loved and dear to me in the future to carry out the Lord's Plans of Love.
And to join with me in striving to establish in the world His Kingdom of Love, Mercy and Salvation. And at that moment, I knelt down in the womb of my Most Holy Mother and with my hands on my shoulders, my gaze turned to heaven and I adored the Lord in spirit, truth and life.
And seeing the Blessed Trinity, His Three Adorable Persons, I prostrated myself in my Mother's womb, and there I begged for you Grace, Mercy and favor of the Most High. Saying to Him:
"Lord, if I have found Grace in your eyes, if I have found Mercy and Favor in your midst, grant to this servant of mine that you will give me in the future and that it will serve for your Plans of Salvation for humanity.
Grant him all the good and all the grace and all the favor of Your Most Powerful Teacher.
For this I offer You my nothingness, the people and ashes that I am, offer You these Tears that Here in my Mother's womb I already begin to shed for You. And if by any chance I possess any merit, I offer everything to You for this servant of mine, so that You may enrich him with Your Grace, with the Favors of Your Teacher.
And that throughout his life, especially on the Day of my Birth, he may obtain all the Grace and all the Good of Your Grace and of Your Mercy.
And may he always be assisted by Your Goodness and the thousand Angels You have given me, so that no evil may come near him and that in everything time and place he may enjoy Grace and Mercy and Favor of Your Goodness.
The Holy Trinity has granted me everything, including giving you every year on the day of my Birth, together with your son, a Grace, a Special Favor that you can ask, any Favor. And everything that is in accordance with the Most Holy Will of the Lord will be accomplished certainly and promptly.
So, my son, ask. ask a lot. Because I desire the Lord to give you much and to favor you much and my desire is truly to enrich you much, much!
Widen your heart with an act of trust, faith, surrender, total abandonment to me, and then I will be able to fill you much, much and enrich you.
Widen. widen your skin, widen your emptiness so that I can pour much, much into you and through you I can still overflow my Grace and the Favors of my Love all over the Earth.
I love, I love you very much!
At the moment of my Birth, when I was already at my Mother's Arms and the Angels sang sweetly to me, I was favored with a very high intellectual vision.
And in this vision I saw you my beloved son and there at my Mother's Arms I asked the Lord to permit me to kneel again and pray for you imploring new Grace from the Most High.
The Lord then placed an Angel in my Mother's Arms so that she would not realize what I was doing.
The Angels, the Holy Angels placed Me in a cloud of great splendor and prostrate there again, I adored the Most Holy Trinity and did another impetrating act in her favor.
Everything was granted to me by the Holy Trinity and I promised him on my part: every Thursday I would not take the milk of my Blessed Mother. And so, to offer that first fast of my life for you, for you, to achieve Graces of the Teacher, of Mercy and of Favor of the Most High for you.
Instead of milk, the Lord fed me through the Angels with bread and water. A bread that my Mother could not see and also water that was invisible to her.
So I fasted for you from my earliest childhood.
Every Thursday I offered this fast for you, so that all good and all grace would be given to you.
If Mama, since her early days has fasted for you. If Mama has loved you so much since Her tenderest days and her whole life has never ceased to sacrifice, pray and suffer for you.
What can you fear? What harm can prevail against you?
Trust in my Love! In due time, I, your Mother Shepherdess, your Mother Farmer, will make you taste the fruits of prayers, sacrifices, efforts, obedience and service to me, and this fruit you will taste taste taste pleasantly and forever.
So, little son, never be discouraged. Mama has always loved you. Mama fasted for you from the first moments of her life. And Mama who never abandoned you, never stopped loving you, never, never will.
Heaven will pass, the Earth will pass, but my Love for you will never, never pass.
To you and to all my beloved children who have come today to praise me, to honor me, to give me the warmth of their Flame of Love, the Love of their hearts.
I generously bless you now and pour upon you all the effective graces of my Flame of Love, my Special Blessing and the Lord's Plenary Indulgence: of FATIMA, of NAZARÉ and of JACAREÍ. ”
(Mary Most Holy after touching the Sacramentals): "As I have already said, wherever one of these Rosaries, Pictures, pictures of my Immaculate Heart, of the Heart of my Son, and others, arrives, there I will be alive carrying all the graces of the Lord.
May my son Marcos de Paula, Marcos Augusto, my postulants remain here until the end, to help my son Marcos in everything he needs.
My Work of Salvation Here is so big and there are no workers for this Work of Salvation.
May many young people come to dedicate, consecrate their lives with my son Marcos Here in my Work of Salvation, to help me save so many souls of my children in need. To establish in the world the Triumph, the Kingdom of Love of my Immaculate Heart and to show to all humanity the Strength of my Flame of Love being Love and living in Love.
May My children answer 'YES' to my Call and with their lives united to my son Marcos, become one and so great and powerful Flame of Love.
May their brightness, their radiance, their warmth and their strength destroy the forces of Hell, dissipate the darkness of humanity's evil, annihilate and forever neutralize Satan and bring down the forces of his infernal empire.
To all I bless with Love again to be happy and to all I give my Peace. ”
(Marcos): "I will say yes Mãezinha. I will tell everyone in Ibitira that you are also blessing them now. They, who accompanied my Father in the cenacle, in the procession at the Feast, I will tell them, I will tell them.
I will say that the Lady loves them very much too, I will say.
I will say that they are a precious portion of your Immaculate Heart.
Yes, I will say.
See you soon. ”