Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Marcos): Yes, I will. Yes Mummy, I will.
I will do everything as the Lady commands. Yes. "
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today, when another month of my Apparitions is completed here in Jacareí to my little son Marcos, I come once again from Heaven to tell you:
"I am the RAIN and MESSAGE of PEACE! I am the one who comes to give you all true Peace, the Peace of God.
The war between me and my Adversary is now going to escalate!
And all those who are undecided between God and the world, between me and the serpent, will run the risk of the clash of the two forces, mine and the star of the abyss, the shock of my Army against the army of evil. They will run the risk of getting lost precisely because they don't decide which side they want to be on. And that's why they will be the easy prey of the army of evil.
You must decide now for me and for the Lord, because it has sounded the Hour of the great and LAST BATTLE between me and my adversary.
Yes, he has already been condemned by the Lord, but now he will be judged definitively and will be sentenced to life imprisonment in the hellish abyss from which he will never be able to leave.
His chains will be indestructible, unbreakable, and he will never be able to return to tempt souls and to harm the Earth.
My Victory is certain, but many will not win with me, because they have not decided for me or for my Messages.
Decide now before it is too late, because all those who do not put their 'YES' in my Hands, their complete trust in me will not bear the weight that the last battles between me and my adversary will bring to all.
Yes, they will bring the weight of great sufferings and tribulations. When my Secrets begin to happen, the Earth will be devastated by many Punishments. And the suffering will be so much. so much. that many will not endure it.
Only those who are firmly anchored in me, only those who are firmly united to me by obeying my messages and being my Watchful Servants, my Slaves of Love, will be able to reach the end.
The Crowns of Eternal Life are prepared, but only for warriors! Only for those who fight with me now the darkness and the forces of evil.
The Crowns are prepared, but only for the Apostles.
Therefore, be my Apostles my children, spread my Messages, multiply the Cenacles and Prayer Groups everywhere. So that in this way, let us make the army of my Enemy retreat and we can conquer souls again for God.
Every day my opponent and his army gain more and more ground in the world. It is necessary to attack him, it is necessary to recover what he has surprised from the Lord! So that truly, then, my Immaculate Heart can triumph and bring you the New Age of Peace.
Get ready! Because what is contained in the 8th SECRET is very close, very close!
Pray a lot! Because many regions of the earth will groan and cry out in the affliction of one condemned to death. And truly, many souls where what is in the 8th SECRET will pass, many souls will wish they had not been born, so great will be their pain.
We must pray a lot! Pray, my children! Pray!
Because you are on the path of great Punishments, which I announced in La Salette to my little daughter Teresa Musco and also in Akita.
Pray, do penance! Because only with Prayer and Penance can you reach Heaven. Heaven, the Crowns of Eternal Life are not won with beautiful words, but with Prayer and Penance.
Therefore, little children: Pray, do much penance, so that the perfume of holiness may truly come out of your whole being. And then, may you enchant the Heart of the Most High and obtain Salvation for you and for so many of my children.
Long live my children, the Virtue of Charity, which means to love God with all your strength, with all your soul, with all your heart!
The world is going badly and is condemned for lack of Charity. Because man no longer has love for God and has also distorted Charity, distorting it and converting love into pleasures and also into attachment to worldly things, the world is going badly!
We must return to True Charity, True Love: which is to serve, obey and in everything please God!
There is nothing more important to do on earth than save your souls and try to please God with a holy life.
Pray my Rosary every day, because through it I will transform you always more into Perfumed Roses of Love!
To all I now bless with Love, from LA SALETTE, from FÁTIMA and from JACAREÍ. ”