Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Message of Our Lady and Saint Leah

(Marcos): Yes, I will. Three? I will.
And the message clips, should I stop?
I ask because I don't think I can do both. My heart wants to but I fear that my humanity will not be able to.
Yes, I understand. It will be done like this. Yes, I want it very much.
If I make you suffer less? Then I will.
Yes. "
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today, when you are already celebrating here in advance the anniversary of my apparitions in Medjugorje, I call you all to the true conversion that pleases God.
Convert yourselves to God! There is no more time! The Secrets are about to happen and you are still attached to the things of this world that are fleeting.
My Heart suffers because I opened the door of salvation, but my children did not want to enter it.
Be converted! Change your lives, little children! Because the Eternal Father is still with open arms waiting for you. But this waiting will soon be over, and then when the day of justice comes, all men will be filled with great terror as they see that they have thrown away the most precious gift God has given them, the gift of life, of sin and of worldly things, when they could have given the fruits of holiness and love that God desired.
Be converted! So that you won't be of the number of these unfortunate ones.
I don't want to lose you forever, so I ask you: Change! My Son on the Cross has won the grace for you and with this grace, you can be better, you can be saints!
Decide for Holiness, and then, my children, the path of holiness will open for you and with it so many graces.
Be my new Podbrdo, where I can speak, where I can manifest my Love. Where I can reveal all the Goodness of my Heart and pour out the graces of my Flame of Love.
Be my new Podbrdo where my Immaculate Heart can truly reign in your hearts as I have reigned in the hearts of my seers and my little Medjugorian children.
Be my new Podbrdo, where my Heart truly triumphs and where, in you, my Heart can work wonders.
Be my new Podbrdo, where truly my messages of love are heard, welcomed, obeyed and put into practice. And so, as I transformed that stony Mount of Medjugorje into a Mount of Life, of Grace and of Salvation. I will also transform you and your life into a Garden of Grace, Beauty, Life and Salvation for many souls.
Pray my Rosary every day!
Through it I will transform you into my new Podbrdo of love, my new Podbrdo of grace, of holiness, where I reign, where I spread my love and show all the radiance of my Glory.
I will transform you into other little Marcos, through whom I will show the whole world my great power, my Mother's love, and I will do my wonders.
My children, there is little time left! Help me save so many souls who have lost faith and fallen into apostasy.
Give 20 records of these Messages of mine that you have seen today, #16, to 20 of my children. And also, give 20, 20 Films of my Appearance in Medjugorje n° 14 to 20 of my children.
They must know my messages as soon as possible, because the Great Punishment is at the doors my children, it is at the doors!
Yes, the Angel of Justice will draw His Sword and the Earth will waver in on itself like an unbridled pawn. And so, woe to the inhabitants of the Earth! Woe to the sinners, my children! Hell will open its mouth, and then the demons will seize the sinners and cast them into the eternal flames.
If sin continues to grow as it is, even his forgiveness will disappear and God will send punishment as in Sodom and Gomorrah sparing no one.
Be converted! Convert! Pray a lot! Because he who prays saves himself, he who does not pray condemns himself.
Give the 'YES' that I want so much. The true devotion to my Immaculate Heart that I desire is the devotion of love, of the 'YES' of love to me.
Give Me the 'YES' my children and my Heart will triumph in their lives.
To all I bless with love now, from MEDJUGORJE. from PELLEVOISIN. and from JACAREÍ. ”
(Saint Leah): "Dear brothers of mine, I, Leah, am happy to return today once again.
"Be the Azaleas of the Mother of God's love living in Prayer, living in Sacrifice and Holiness every day of your lives.
Be the Azalea of the Mother of God's love by meditating without ceasing on her Word, which is the Word of Eternal Life, the Word of Love, the Word of God. So that this Word may completely change your hearts and your lives and transform you into fragrant Azaleas that will truly spread the perfume of Holiness and Love on Earth.
Be the Azaleas of the Mother of God that show the whole world all the beauty of the colors of Divine love in your souls.
Live of Love, be Love! Love is God! And if you live of love and are Love, God will live in you and you in Him. And then, there will be nothing impossible for the Lord to accomplish in your lives!
Give the "YES" that will transform you into the flowers of Grace and Holiness and through you other souls will also be transformed.
So when the Mother of God has the number prefixed by the Lord of Mystical Roses of Love, Mystical Azaleas of Love, the Court of School Souls, of souls set on fire of Love, of souls ablaze with incessant flames of Love. Then Her Heart will triumph over all the Earth and Her Kingdom of Love will extend everywhere!
Pray the Rosary every day, through it you will be transformed and transfigured into Roses, into mystical Azalehas of Love, for the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity.
I bless you all with Love, especially you Marcos, the most beloved and dear of my brothers.
The Grace that you asked for from the Blessing at 1 p.m. for your father Carlos Tadeu, was obtained by me, for you, for him. Your prayer was heard!
I offered my merits and achieved this great Grace for you.
Be happy then, because many other graces that you ask of me will be granted to you, to your father soon!
I bless you; make everyone love me, make everyone imitate me. The more they know me, love me and imitate me, the more I will be able to act powerfully in everyone's life and bring everyone to the complete holiness that pleases God.
I bless you and I also bless my beloved brother Carlos Thaddeus whom I love and bless every day punctually and for whom I have a love, an immense love and I jealously keep under my mantle.
To you and all my brothers here I bless you abundantly now. ”
(Mary Most Holy after touching the Rosaries): "As I have already said, wherever one of these Rosaries arrives, there I will be alive with my Daughter Leah carrying great graces from the Lord.
I thank you all for coming, I love and bless you all! Especially to you, little son Marcos.
Be aware that the suffering you had with your knee twenty years ago served to save my little son Edilson, my little son Salvador, my little son Nivaldo, my little son Milton.
It also served to save my daughter Maria da Conceição, my daughter Elisa, it served to save my daughter Valneide.
It also served to save my son Marcelo, it served to save my son Ronilson.
Yes, it served to save my son Rogério, my daughter Luana, and also my daughter Carla Nagabe.
Be aware that your sufferings served for this, so that you never, never think that your suffering is in vain.
The suffering offered with love is powerful love that rises to Heaven and returns to Earth as a great shower of Grace, Blessing and Salvation.
Yes, it goes little child... It goes on and on offering, it goes on suffering, because many new souls will be attracted by my powerful Flame of Love and will become by their suffering in love with the Lord.
I, bless you and bless again all my children to be happy!
Go in the Peace of the Lord. I leave my Peace! ”