Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Blessed Mary): Dear children, these are the final times! The war between me and my adversary will now enter its decisive phase. As such, the combat will be tougher, and the clash between my power and the power of my enemy will be inevitable.
Therefore, you must be my true soldiers and prepare yourselves more and more for this great Spiritual War, which will come to its decisive phase. And then, the Eternal Future of the Peoples, of the Nations and also of each one of you will be decided.
This war, which has always been on a spiritual level with consequences on the material, will reach the point of being really visible. Yes, my children, the time will come for the last combat.
Therefore, you must be prepared for what must come, praying more and more, making more and more sacrifices. Nourishing and strengthening the soul with the meditation of my Messages, the lives and also the meditations of the Saints so that at that moment you do not weaken.
Now that the war between me and my adversary is going to escalate, you can no longer waste time with mundane things, nor with creatures, nor with the search for your dreams and your desires, your pleasures. But, you must like my true soldiers:
- Increase the cenacles of prayer everywhere;
- Increase the dissemination of my messages;
- To truly increase your efforts to save more souls.
And to always bring my messages to the greatest number of souls, which are the only thing that can save my children and help them in the decisive hour that will come for humanity soon.
My soldiers cannot sleep, nor lose a minute with worldly things.
- They must concentrate on my cenacles.
- They must concentrate on announcing my word to the whole world.
- They should now concentrate on saving souls and strengthening their own souls.
Therefore, renounce everything that takes you away from this ideal of life that is truly now:
- Be Holy;
- Fight the good fight;
- Ending the career;
- Conquering the crown of eternal life.
Soon, everything you know will no longer be the same, everything will change. My Son will come to renew all things as it is written. The day and hour he alone has determined and knows, but the return of my Son is near, very near!
Before that, it will be the decisive battle. Satan, my adversary, will go out into the open with his own, I will go out with mine, with the Angels and with St. Michael.
And then, the Last Battle will be fought from which only one will emerge victorious. And the winner, 101 years ago you already know who will be:
The Announcement from on high of the AZINHEIRA DE FÁTIMA will be fulfilled and finally my Immaculate foot will crush my Enemy forever. But before this happens many on both sides, from both armies will fall and fall.
Some from my Enemy's side will come to mine, because I will touch them and conquer them.
But my Enemy taking revenge will also try to conquer many who are on my side: the weak, the selfish, the lazy, those who don't know how to die to themselves, the worldly, those who inside have the spirit of the world itself, will not resist.
Those who are stubborn, who are disobedient to my voice.
Those who always in everything and for everything seek pretexts for not obeying my maternal voice, are destined to pass into the army of the Enemy. That with a breath from the mouth of my Son JESUS, with a simple flash of lightning emanating from my hands and with the flickering of St. Michael's sword, that army together with its general will be precipitated forever into the eternal flames.
Do not side with this army, my children, stay in my Army by living a life of Prayer, Holiness, complete Obedience and preparing more and more for the day of the final confrontation that is coming.
Before that there will be, my children, the WARNING, it will be terrible! It will be like being truly invaded by a mystical fire, which will make the soul see its whole life led without GOD.
And it will cause such terror that many will not endure it.
Also, before the Last Battle will come that great darkness that will last 3 days. In those 3 days, all those who are outside of GOD's Grace, all those who have refused to follow Me and obey Me will be seized by my Enemy and cast into the eternal flames.
It will be horrible, my children! Horrible to be seized by the Enemy and drawn alive into the eternal fire.
Do not be of such number, remain in my army that marches every day with me, ever onwards, growing in love with GOD, in holiness, and fighting to save as many souls as possible.
Increase the Cenacles, increase the spread of my Messages.
In the month of May more souls were purified than in April, but there are still few, not many souls.
That is why you must pray for them, that you offer sacrifices to purify more souls my children! And may I at least gather 1/3 of humanity by my side to fight against the army of my Enemy, which although numerically greater is inferior to Mine.
For my Army is headed by the Woman dressed in the Sun of whom the Lord said at the beginning of the world with these Words: "I will put enmity between you and the Woman, between her offspring and hers. She will crush your head as you try to bite her heel. ”
Yes, my Army is numerically smaller, but it is more powerful because it is commanded by the Celestial Commander, the General of the Lord's Armies and possesses the infallible weapon of the Holy Rosary and of Love!
Yes, here, where I made my Army Headquarters I want to form around me brave, strong, fearless and completely consumed souls: for zeal, for the glory of GOD, for the salvation of souls and completely imbued with the Spirit of struggle and combat for the salvation of humanity.
May all those who have a warrior spirit come to my Army to fight: with the weapons of prayer, of Love, for the salvation of humanity, to conquer ever more souls for the Lord by taking them out of the life of evil, of sin.
And bringing them into the life of Grace, Prayer, Sacrifice, Holiness and Love!
Yes, then, my SECRET OF THE SALET will truly be fulfilled, culminating with the decisive VICTORY of the Woman dressed in the Sun, the Beautiful Lady of all the little Shepherds and all the Seers.
At last, it will have its complete Triumph, its complete summit of Victory and joy bringing to the whole world the renewal and Kingdom of love of the Divine Heart of JESUS!
To you my beloved son Marcos, my brave warrior who for 27 years has fought with me bravely in my Army, taking more and more souls from the Army of my enemy. Transforming more and more of my sons into brave soldiers, to fight with the weapons of grace, prayer and love for the salvation of humanity.
You who each day more and more help me to conquer more and more the ground that my enemy took from the Lord.
You who have always fought for me 24 hours a day, practically, tirelessly.
To you I bless and say my son:
Do not be discouraged by the disinterest of cold and selfish souls, who think only of themselves and think of using all their time only for themselves, without listening to my Voice, without paying attention to my Plan of Love.
These souls have always existed, you should not give importance to them.
Go ahead for the souls that still need to be conquered and saved!
Go ahead for me, for your spiritual Father that I have given you precisely to be your comforter, your comforter, to be your animator, to be also your joy and your consolation on earth.
Go ahead for him, go ahead for so many hungry souls who need the Word of the Mother in Heaven, the Grace of God.
Go ahead for so many souls who suffer alone in vain and too much because they do not know the Heavenly Mother and therefore wander without knowing where to go.
These lost, wounded, sick and almost dead sheep, stunted, need the food that can save them, the food that can restore to them Life, Eternal Life.
Go! And take to them, to these sheep, to these children of mine, this life in abundance, with which I have filled you.
I will always be with you and never leave you.
Remain zealous, imperturbable, ardent in love for me, passing over everything, as I always tell you, like a high-speed train.
Those who want to run, run with you; those who want to be eagles, fly with you.
But always be sure: sparrows can never accompany eagles. Many will not want to accompany you, because they are not these eagles. These real eagles, destined to fly high in the Heaven of Holiness, not because I don't want to, but because they themselves have become unworthy of it.
Pay no attention to the importance.
Go ahead! And give wings to all those who want to be eagles and fly and often even carry their wings on their backs, those who, although very weak, want to fly the highest flight of Love.
Take them, bring them to me, as I asked you at the beginning of the Apparitions, so that truly my Heart may have all my children around me, around you.
And then, with me, may everyone proclaim the Victory of the Lord and sing forever how sweet, how eternal and beautiful His Love is.
Continue praying the Rosary every day. For him, always more, I will transform you into the royal eagles that will fly high in the sky of holiness and love always more chanting the Hymn of True Love for the Lord.
To you favorite little son. Also to my beloved little son Carlos Tadeu I bless with love now and to all my children who love me and listen to me with love. from LA SALETTE. from FÁTIMA and from JACAREÍ.
Spread my messages to 30 people a day, 30 souls!
That is your goal!
More souls must be saved! More souls need to be purified! We need to save 1/3 of humanity.
At least, bring my messages to 30 new souls every day, so that my Heart can finally complete the Plan of Salvation of the world and of each one of you. ”
(Marcos): "Yes, I recorded it all.
Perfectly; I can transmit it totally, word for word to him. Yes. "
"Dear little son Carlos Thaddeus, know that when my Son Jesus fell for the third time with the Cross on his back and no longer had the strength to go on, he was stretched to the ground.
At that moment he saw you in a mystical vision, together with Me who was following Him: his future love, his future zeal, his future loving service to Him, his future love and obedience to my Messages.
Also, his "YES" given to the Mission I gave you, uniting you with the privileged soul, with the child I chose 27 years ago and who is the consolation of my Heart, who is all my Hope and all my love on Earth.
Yes, that future love and obedience of yours comforted my Mother Heart, which was so compassionate to see my Son stretched to the ground without strength, reduced to a pool of Blood and Wounds.
Yes, the Vision of his future love, gave strength to my Son Jesus, consoled Him, comforted Him and revived Him to move forward and take the last remaining steps to reach the summit of Calvary.
My Son, you consoled Our Hearts at that moment of Our greatest Pain. Therefore, everything, everything you really desire from Our Hearts, that is in accordance with the Will of the Father will be granted to you.
Go! Continue being the comforter of Our Hearts, Our Joy.
Continue being the relief of Our Cross because even today Jesus and I suffer for every child who turns away from Our Hearts and is lost.
Yes! Continue to be our consoler and together with the one who is all my love on earth: my little son Marcos. be the great consoler of Our Hearts thus pierced by the Sword of the same Pain.
My Son, everything, everything you ask of my Son Jesus and me for this Third Fall will be granted to you.
Yes! I am the Lady of Sorrows who suffers for humanity, but in you and in my Son Marcos I am consoled and loved. And so in you I am the Virgin of Consolation, Joy and Peace!
Continue consoling your God and your Mother.
Everything, everything you ask for in your prayers, Our Hearts will grant you. Because truly to you who have consoled us so much, we will always console you with our graces of Love.
To you and to all my children I again bless them to be very happy.
Thank you, to all who have come!
Thank you, to all who work in my Shrine and dedicate themselves to me here.
Thank you, to all who make me happy with their "YES".
To all I leave my Peace. ”